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At the same time, Tanael's and my heads went in his direction. "What?" we snarled at the same moment, which was worse than the fact that we were arguing in front of everyone.

"Calm down," Sam tried reassuring us as he pushed between us.

"Myrina, Tanael only means well and wants to protect you," he turned to me. "And Tanael, you must understand that Myrina has been suppressed for a long time and that your care is restricting her."

We both stared at the angel in bewilderment. Was he trying to act as a mediator?

I snorted in annoyance. "Let it go, Sam."

"She's right. Stay out of it," Tanael grumbled. We gave each other one last dirty look before he joined Stephan, and I went to Aspasia.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly as soon as I got to her. I let out another angry growl, and she started to giggle.

"You really act like an old married couple," she laughed, completely disrupting my anger, to which I clutched tightly to avoid feeling anything else. Because I actually knew that Sam's words were true. Tanael was only trying to protect me. But if he was protecting me, then he was so close. Far too close.

It was better not to respond to her comment, so I silently tried to get as dry as possible and slipped into my wet boots.

"It continues here," Edward said, pointing to the new tunnel entrance and looking around with a frown. He ran his fingers carefully over the wall stones.

"This is a different stone from the one in the tunnels. It's older. Sam, can you please hold the torch a little closer?"

In the glow of the flame, the literature student examined the walls more closely.

"It can't be," he breathed in awe.

"What is it?" Aspasia asked, and we all went to the piece of wall that Edward and Sam were staring at.

"If I'm interpreting it correctly, then it's possible that these stones are the remains of the Temple of Solomon, which was built around 1000 BC."

"Wasn't that just a legend?" I asked in surprise and stroked the stone that was supposed to have formed these walls for more than 3,000 years.

"Well, they haven't been able to scientifically confirm the existence of a temple yet, as excavations on and under the Temple Mount were strictly forbidden." Edward ran his hand over the back of his neck. "But it is assumed that this sacred site really did exist. Which, of course, raises questions about the Ark of the Covenant. King David, Solomon's father, is said to have given it to his son to keep in the temple. Around 500 years later, the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem, plundered the temple, and then destroyed it, displacing a large part of the population. Since then, the Ark of the Covenant has been officially considered lost."

"Except for the rumors that crop up from time to time, such as the one that the Templars have found the Ark?" Tanael concluded Edward's lecture, who nodded silently.

"No matter which temple these stones belong to. They show that we are on the right path. Because if there is something hidden in the Temple Mount, then it will only be found here, within the oldest walls," Stephan concluded.

"Let's move on quickly." Sam directed the torch's light into the tunnel opening. The passage was even narrower and lower than any we had passed through before. Stooping slightly, the angel entered the tunnel. We had no choice but to follow him.


Tanael followed Sam, and I stayed at the end of our column with Aspasia, who seemed more silent as we continued down this corridor.

"Are you all right, Aspasia?" I asked her.

"Yes and no at the same time." She smiled painfully. "Sometimes it's not easy when past and present collide, like in these walls."

"Did you ever visit the temple during your stay in Jerusalem?"

"No, not that, but I have seen the construction in progress. People were extremely proud of this holy site back then. It was to become a symbol of the Jewish faith and people."

Immersed in her memories, she looked down at the ground. "It's unspeakably sad that this hope didn't even last 500 years."

Strange as it sounded, she had a personal connection to this city and the relics of the ancient, legendary temple she had seen with her own eyes.

I put my arm around her shoulder and stroked her upper arm.

"This must all be very confusing for you. Even though I've never experienced anything like this, I'm still a pretty good listener. Maybe that will help." I grinned and hugged her, and the Amazon smiled genuinely.
