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"I would have married you with all my love, but that's no longer possible." Grinning, he pointed to his slightly translucent figure. "That guy there, Tanael, seems very much alive to me, though, and inviting your ex-fiancé on a date to please his companion can only be described as a noble, selfless gesture."

He was right! Or was he? I looked over at the God of the First Light with uncertainty.

"Now go on, Rina. I'm fine here. I'm happy. It's time for you to be too." Then Alex disappeared, dissolving right under my nose.

I slowly approached Tanael, who was downing a glass of wine with his back turned to me.

"May I have this dance?" I breathed in his direction.

Tanael froze in motion and turned to me cautiously. His gaze fell uncertainly on me, and then he scanned the surroundings.

"He's gone," I informed him. "He said this guy had done a noble, selfless deed. And I figured that guy probably deserved a dance then."

Tanael swallowed visibly, and the gold in his irises liquefied. He literally sucked me in.

I resolutely held my hand out to him. His eyes widened briefly as he looked at it, but then he grabbed it and pulled me towards him. Now, I watched open-mouthed as he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed my skin as light as a feather.

"I'd love to dance with you. I can't imagine anything better," he whispered just loud enough for only me to hear. Our eyes locked as we entered the pavilion. It was so different than with Alex.

This time, I didn't notice the presence of the hosts or the orchestra. I only heard the beat of our hearts. Tanael gently placed his warm hand on my bare back and my hand on his chest, his heart. He held it there, stroking my fingers tenderly with his thumb.

I felt so close to him. We moved slowly in the same rhythm as if we were one.

I could feel every breath, every heartbeat, every movement of his muscles. His feelings lay spread out before me, naked in his eyes. They were tender, fragile, and so strong at the same time, as if they could withstand storms, floods, earthquakes, and fires.

I instinctively placed my other hand and my forehead on his chest and snuggled up to him tenderly. He reacted immediately, pulling me closer and leaning his cheek against my hair. Like me, I knew he kept his eyes closed and enjoyed the moment. This togetherness. So close, so intimate. He enveloped me.

"I want to be so close to you," he whispered lovingly in my thoughts. "I want to feel you everywhere."

A longing moan escaped my throat, and a lustful fire raced through my veins. His body and soul responded immediately to this stirring in me. With the same fire, the same lust, the same longing.

"How I would love to rip this divine dress off you now. I know you'd be naked then," he growled, his fingers trembling as they stroked under the hem of my dress along my bottom. Where no panties could hold him back. My desire for him grew with every word he spoke.

"Then I would lay you in the middle of the clearing and create a starry sky above us just for you. It would be light enough to see every inch of your soft skin but dark enough that only I could see you. I don't like to share."

My breathing became faster, and I realized I could no longer concentrate on the dance steps. The only thing I wanted was more. More of his words, but above all, more of his unfulfilled actions.

"I want to taste you, your sweetness, your spiciness. To lick the salt from your skin and then dive into my paradise between your thighs."

A longing pain flared up in my lap.

"I want you too, Tanael, more than anything else."

Full of anticipation, I pressed my hips against him. He moaned. It was a lustful and, at the same time, desperate moan.

"Oh, Myrina, if there was a way to fulfill this wish to be allowed to love you, I would go to hell and back for it. But that is impossible!" It sounded like an echo of the past and the future simultaneously. To be allowed to love you? Love?

I could already feel the cold before he pushed me away before his pain-filled gaze turned icy and tore me apart inside like an ice pick. I tried to hold on to him, but he was merciless.

"No, Tanael! Don't do this to me!" I begged, clinging to the last bit of warmth his body exuded. But he didn't answer; instead, he returned my words, hurling them in my face, erecting a wall that made him unreachable.

The first tears came silently, stifled by the disbelief that this turn of events brought with it. All emotions disappeared, and only this paralyzing pain remained, causing me to stand motionless in the middle of the pavilion and watch as Tanael turned around. Right in the middle of the clearing that had just served as a stage for his fantasies, he created a portal through which he disappeared without looking back.

Only then did the silence leave me, shattered by a strangled scream. My legs were no longer holding me up, and if I hadn't been held by strong arms, I would have collapsed.

Hades lifted me up and carried me into the palace. Persephone constantly stroked my hair and whispered that everything would be fine. But nothing of the sort happened. He didn't come back to undo it, nor did the pain lessen. My feelings were pure chaos; they were all present and paralyzed simultaneously. A numbness ran through my veins like a layer of ice. Like a protective wall. It was too much pain. My body and my soul couldn't withstand it. I tried to rebel against it, to stay strong, but in vain. It rolled over me like a merciless tsunami wave.

The God of the Underworld gently laid me on a soft bed and covered me up.

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