Page 14 of Satyr's Mate

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Real smooth, Ivy. Can I help you find something? He wasn’t here to use the library, he was here for me. I hoped.

“Thank you. But I already found everything I’ll ever need. She’s right here.”

Chapter 10


“I know you’re working, but I brought you an afternoon snack. Lemon chiffon cupcakes from Bearly Legal Cakes & Sweets.”

“Oh!” Her eyes disappeared from between the stacks for a moment before she tiptoed up again. “Those are my favorite.”

“Yeah, I know. You mentioned it in a public comment on your socials.” Great. I was sounding like a total stalker.

I went around the shelf to her. She stood there, book in hand, looking like utter perfection. I wanted to pick her up and have my way with her right here, right now, but I doubted the strict-looking male librarian I’d seen earlier roaming around would approve. He looked the old-fashioned type.

“I know you just had lunch, but I thought you might want these on your break.” I held up the cute cardboard box with the cupcakes.

She put the book in her hand on the cart and took the box from me. “Thank you,” she said softly.

She looked around, and when she saw no one, she opened the box. Her eyes sparkled. “I actually didn’t eat lunch. I just went for a walk and then had a tea at the café. I don’t think I can wait until my break; want to share them with me?”

“Only if I get to feed you.”

Her eyes sparkled again, this time with a different type of hunger, making me remember our wonderful night. As if I could ever forget! I reached into the box and carefully removed one of the cupcakes, peeling back the paper wrapper and holding it out to her.

She took a bite, then darted out her tongue to lick some residual lemon cream off her lips, making me remember how that tongue had felt on my cock.I bent down and licked off the tiny bit she’d missed. Damn, that lemon cream was pretty good. I took a bite myself.

We were soon done with the first cupcake and enjoying the second, this time with Ivy feeding us instead. The pleasure from the sweet treat was written all over her face. Or was that from being around me? Could a monster hope?

Just then, the older male librarian walked into this section of the library. Ivy immediately went into professional librarian mode. And damn, was that hot!

I immediately played along.Angling my body to block the man’s view so Ivy could pop the last piece of lemony goodness into her mouth, I asked her to help me find information on love spells loudly enough for him to hear. She raised her brow, clearly thinking of what had happened at the Gala.

“That would depend on what you’re looking for in particular,” she said after she had swallowed her bite of cupcake. “The history of love spells? The casting of love spells? Or just in general?”

“General information, please.”

“Of course.” She smoothed her hands over the front of her pencil skirt. “That would be in the witchcraft section. Follow me, please.”

I did, trying not to stare too hard at the way her luscious ass looked in the tight fabric.

She brought me to an area of the library that was relatively quiet, without any university students sitting at tables.

“Are you” —she looked down at her hands— “trying to reverse what happened at the gala? I’m sorry I got in the way. If it wasn’t for me, that spell wouldn’t have hit you.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to reverse anything. And I don’t think it would make a difference even if I did.”

“What…What do you mean?”

I watched her eyes carefully. “I mean, I think you’re my mate, and whether that spell hit me or not, I’d still end up in the same place eventually. With you.”

Her mouth formed a cute little O. “Then why are you looking up information about it then?”

I grinned. “I just said that so I could spend more time with you and we could get away from that other librarian. He looks strict.”

She smiled. “He is.”

I looked around, and seeing that we were still alone, I whispered, “Come out with me tonight after work. I want to take you on a date. We can test my theory.”
