Page 17 of Satyr's Mate

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“What does a mate bond mean to a satyr?”

Chapter 12


I mulled over Ivy’s question carefully before answering. I’d always been a bachelor and up to the moment I’d met Ivy at the gala, I’d always thought I would die the way I lived: single. I didn’t blame her for doubting my sincerity. Hell, even I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.

Satyrs were meant for a life of careless abandon. We were supposed to drink until we were very inebriated, eat until we were stuffed, and rut until we were sated. Unlike the wood nymphs who cared for their trees and their environs, satyrs had no responsibilities. Some of us adopted the land we lived on, but others simply lived in other creatures’ forests.

Somehow, that sort of thing had suddenly lost its appeal. It was always the same old, same old. Sure, it was fun, but I needed something more. Wasn’t that why I started this photography career in the first place? Because of a longing for something more substantial in life?

When I was younger, I could have lived happily in my woods doing nothing more than eating from the land, drinking from the streams, and rolling in the hay with the nymphs. It wasn’t a bad life. But now I saw that it lacked meaning. I would simply exist.

I suspect the change started years ago when I picked up my first camera, and meeting Ivy was the final nail in the coffin for my carefree bachelor life. I wasn’t sure I could ever go back to a life focused only on the pleasures of food, fun, and fornication without thought of the future.

It felt so…empty.

Was that what happened to other satyrs who found their mates? Had they stepped outside of their little patch, seen the world beyond, and grown, maturing enough for the mate bond to develop?

No matter how much time I spent with the nymphs of the woods, there would never be any consequences. Any future. Any fruit from our unions. Despite frequently sharing sex, satyrs and nymphs were not biologically compatible. Could you imagine the number of tiny fauns and nymphs running around if we were?

But a human woman! Ivy could give me that future. I hadn’t really thought it was something I’d wanted until recently. But suddenly, my dreams were filled with little versions of me and her running around my woods. And Ivy, too. She was the most important part.

“A mate bond for a satyr is forever. There aren’t many who experience it; I personally know only one. He’s mated to a nymph, and while they can’t have children like we would, they are happy together, and the other nymphs no longer visit them.”

“Back up a moment.” Ivy’s eyes were wide, with a hint of panic, and I wished I could have shoved my last sentence back into my mouth. “Did you just say children like we would? That’s assuming a lot. And aren’t satyrs infertile?”

I frowned. “That’s another lie we perpetuate. It’s actually the nymphs who are infertile. I don’t shoot blanks.” Was Ivy already carrying one of my offspring? Was that why she looked so panicked? “Are you worried you are already pregnant? Don’t be. If you are, I’ll be there for you.”

Ivy opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She grabbed her drink and drained it before trying again. “No. I’m on the pill. It’s not like one-night stands are usually my thing, but a girl can never be too careful.”

I let out a low growl. “One-night stands will not ever be your thing.” I refused to believe it would only be for one night. “I plan on fucking you every chance I get from now until forever!”

Several other patrons gasped and gave us the side eye.

Ivy winced and looked around, her cheeks reddening. “Shh.”

Humans were so strange when it came to sex. They hid the act behind closed doors. No one was supposed to know explicitly that you were fucking, but if they knew you weren’t fucking, that was also a cause for concern. Despite having spent years living amongst humans in what I guess you’d call polite society, I still didn’t know sometimes what was acceptable, and when.

Why had my words embarrassed her? She was out on a date with a satyr; anyone with two brain cells to rub together would know that I was going to fuck her silly later. I didn’t see why I couldn’t say it out loud.

“What about ‘ravishing’? Can I say that?” I asked, more softly so only she could hear.

Her face was still tinted a pretty pink, and she adjusted herself in her seat. “Yes. But later.”

Good. I couldn’t wait to get her out of that dress.

“But what if this isn’t a mate bond, and it’s just the spell? When it fades, you might not feel this way anymore.”

“I read the books, Ivy. Love spells only make a physical attraction stronger when there’s already something there for it to work on. We found each other attractive before the spell hit.”

“But love is more than physical attraction.”

“Of couse. But it can start that way.” I reached over the table to touch her hand again. “I already feel the mate bond, so that’s it for me. Even when the spell fades, it will still be there. You say you worry whether I’ll stay after the spell fades, but I should be the one who’s worried. Because there will be no other for me.”

I’d expected her to be relieved that she didn’t need to worry about me changing my tune when the magic faded, but the corner of her lips pulled down into a frown.

“So you’re saying you’re stuck with me? That’s not fair.” She put down her fork. “I’m not even supposed to be the one you’re stuck with. The prediction was that Iris was supposed to find her man at that gala, not me. You’re falling for the wrong girl, Shane. It’s going to ruin your life.”
