Page 22 of Satyr's Mate

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Even before The Wall had fallen, Darlington had had a special wing in its hospital dedicated to monsters and magical folk. Back then, the wing had been a secret; now, we no longer needed to hide, and were treated just like the other patients.

“Where’s Ivy?” I asked.


“Ivy. The lady I was with. Human. She’s…” I hesitated, not sure how I should refer to her. My wilder side insisted she was my mate and nothing less, but she and I hadn’t talked about that yet. Finally I settled on, “…my girlfriend.” Ugh, that sounded so insignificant.

“You have a human girlfriend?” There was no missing the look on the nurse's face, like she couldn’t believe any human would want a monster like me.“Well, in any case, she’s not here,” she said curtly and with a hint of irritation. “You came in alone. I’ll let the officers know you’re awake.” Then she left.

The two officers who walked into the room introduced themselves as Officer Hayes and Officer Cooley. Cooley was a fit brunette who wore her hair in a low, tidy ponytail. Her partner Hayes looked like he’d stepped right out of an 80s movie, complete with a blonde cop ’stache. They explained that they were the pair most frequently called in when magic or monsters was involved.

First, they went over what had happened. Ivy had passed out just seconds before I had, from whatever spell had been thrown at us. Ella had managed to catch her, but I’d hit the ground hard, which explained my headache. My horns had protected me to an extent, but the library floor was marble, and the impact had still rattled my brain. The culprit had managed to run off when Ella’s attention had been focused on Ivy and me.

Then the questions started. “According to those working at the library, you two were hit with a magic nullification spell,” Hayes said, checking her notes. “Our research says you two were hit by a love spell last week at the gala. Is that right?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“According to the head librarian, who incidentally was most put out that the incident happened in his library, that love spell has now been nullified.”

I let the meaning of his words sink in. Nullified? Then I was no longer under a love spell.

But it didn’t feel like a thing had changed. When I thought of Ivy, it still made me smile. I still wanted to see her, be around her, and show her my forest. I still thought of her as my mate. I still loved her.

Would that change when I saw her face to face?

“Can you give us a description of the guy?” Hayes asked.He rolled his eyes. “Go figure, a bunch of cameras, and not one caught a good image of him.”

I gave them the best description I could, though, to be honest, I hadn’t exactly been paying attention. All I remembered was a mustache and a scar.

“Thank you,” Officer Cooley said, handing me her card. “Give us a call if you remember anything else.”

I looked around for my phone, and although I saw my clothes folded on the chair next to the bed, my phone wasn’t with them.

Nurse Crabby walked in again.

“Umm, where’s my phone?” I asked.

She shrugged. “That’s all you came in with. If you’re feeling all right, the doctor says you can be discharged.”

“Sure,” I said. The faster I got out of here, the sooner I could find my phone and call my mate.

Chapter 15


I woke up in the hospital with a pounding headache.

“Biatch! How you feeling?”

I turned to see Iris holding out a glass of water for me.

“Like a sack of shit.” I took the glass from her and chugged half of it.

A nurse with her hair tied back in a severe bun walked in and asked how I was doing.

“I’m okay. Where’s the satyr I came in with?” I asked.

“You didn’t come in with anyone,” she said almost before the question was out of my mouth.
