Page 29 of Satyr's Mate

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I climbed out of the vehicle to see Iris looking on from the yard. One of her neighbors was standing by his door, watching curiously.

I gave my statement to Officer Cooley as Hayes got back into their cruiser. Soon, it was just me, Shane, and Iris.

“You still up for a visit to my forest?” Shane asked.

I turned to Iris. “Are you okay here on your own?”

She waved a hand dismissively. “I’ll be fine. I don’t think I have a second unwanted admirer. You two go. Do the mating thing.”

I grabbed my bag and called a cab to take us back to the library where Shane was parked.

As I climbed into the passenger seat next to my sexy satyr mate, I realized my talent had finally done something for me and found me exactly what I needed: my very own possessive monster.

Chapter 18


“We aren’t interested in playing, Willow,” I said firmly to the nubile and very naked nymph at my door.

“Yeah, I know. The other nymphs and fauns told me.” Willow stayed right where she was.

When the news got out that I was back, with a human female in tow no less, all the fauns and nymphs in the area had come for a visit. Sure, they wanted to see me. But more importantly, they wanted to meet Ivy.

Ivy needn’t have worried about me dallying with the nymphs; they were more interested in her than in me. She was, after all, fresh meat.

I’d already had to shoo several fauns off her, and two naiads who had tried to get her to go “skinny dipping with extras” with them. Ivy had assured me I was the only one she wanted, and I’d made it very clear that she was mine and mine alone.

So why was Willow here?

The tree nymph held up a basket. “I brought something to trade.” Basket weaving was Willow’s favorite pastime.

I frowned. “That’s still a no.”

“Not trade for sex, silly,” she clarified. “I’d like some books. I heard your mate works at a library.”

Ivy nudged me aside. “Sure do.” She stuck out her hand for a shake.

The last time she did that, Felix had grabbed it and tried to pull her out of my cabin and into the woods for a little fun. Clearly, it wasn’t deterring Ivy from trying again, though I didn’t think Willow would do that. The two naiads from earlier, however, totally would.

Willow shook it enthusiastically, then handed Ivy the basket.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Willow beamed. “I made it.”

“So, what type of books were you looking for?”

“The ones with sexy half-naked men on the covers.”

I cleared my throat.“She means romance novels.”

Ivy grinned. “I work at a magical library, not one with romance novels. But I’m a big reader myself, and I’m sure I can pick some up for you at the bookstore. I guess you don’t have an e-reader?”

Willow was one of the few forest dwellers who’d made the effort to learn to read. About a century ago, she’d convinced a human man to teach her. Or rather, she’d refused to let him go until he did. Though I didn’t think he’d complained much. Willow had made it worth his while.

“What’s an e-reader?” Willow asked.

Ivy looked at her wide-eyed, then recovered. “Right. I keep forgetting you don’t have much contact with the outside world in these parts.”
