Page 7 of Satyr's Mate

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The only guest left at the table was George; everyone else was either dancing or mingling with the other guests. I grabbed her shoes, keeping my other arm tightly around her.

“We’re out, George. Have a good night.”

“We are?” Iris grabbed her drink and drained it, like it could quench the fire we’d started building together.

“Yes. I thought we could head to my place here in the city.”

“‘Here in the city’? Does that mean you have another home somewhere else?”

She sounded back to normal, not a hint of her previous wanton neediness in her voice. It made me wonder if I’d jumped the gun by assuming she’d want to continue what we’d been doing. Usually, when a neighboring nymph showed up in my neck of the woods, they were looking for a good time. But Iris was no nymph. I’d have to remember that dealing with human women wasn’t the same.

“Yeah, I have several acres of woodland.”

“Was that where you shot that first series of photos?”

“Yes.” Those images had propelled me to fame and fortune.

I’d picked up the condo here in Darlington only recently, after being named last year’s best wildlife photographer. If you’d asked me ten years ago if I thought sharing images of the other inhabitants of my woods would win me the title, I would’ve laughed in your face. But now I traveled so much that I sometimes felt like a stranger on my own land.

A big part of me wanted to take Iris there, but at the same time I didn’t want to creep her out. Come into the deep, dark woods in the middle of nowhere with me, some guy you just met didn’t quite have the same ring as come over to my luxury condo just a few blocks away.

“…Unless, of course, you’d rather stay here and mingle.” I held my breath as I waited for her answer.

She didn’t hesitate for a second. “Nope. Your place sounds wonderful.”

I grinned.

“Bye George,” Iris said. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”

George just nodded and went back to people-watching. For a guy who spent so much time watching other people socialize, he was sure bad at it.

I called my driver to pick us up, and Iris went around to say goodbye to a few people.Before long, we were in the back seat of my Mercedes, making out like a couple of horny teenagers as we sped toward my condo.

Chapter 5


Iris would totally go home with a hot satyr who turned her knees to jelly and her brain to mush. And honestly, even if she wouldn’t, I’d still be here in the elevator of Shane’s building, making out like there wasn’t a camera in the corner aimed squarely at us.

Shane lived in one of the new luxury condos in downtown Darlington. The ride here had been short; just a few blocks, thank goodness. Any longer, and we would’ve been going at it in the back seat like bunnies, his driver be damned.

Who cared if it was probably just a one-night stand? That was fine. I was a big girl; I could handle this.

Satyrs weren’t exactly known to be monogamous. They were rumored to indulge in orgies with woodland nymphs and were definitely not the kind of monsters to be instantly tied down to some girl they met at a party. Also, Shane still thought I was Iris.

Still, Shane had a total “hunky book boyfriend” vibe going on, and even though his kind weren’t exactly known for their undying loyalty, it wouldn’t stop me from pretending for just one night. Being a bookworm didn’t make me a prude. I was anything but. There was a lot a girl could learn from books that would make the average person blush! I wasn’t shy about my sexuality, either. Nope, no way was I going to let an opportunity like this pass me by.

Currently, Shane had me balanced on the elevator handrail, pinned between the mirrored wall and his rock-hard body. His cock strained against his formal loincloth, which, while it looked good for the party, did a horrible job of containing his impressive package. In this position, it pressed against the thin layer of barely-there satin that covered my crotch. I was pretty sure I’d soaked it through already. I just hope nothing got on Iris’s dress.

I clung to him, lost in the waves of desire crashing over me as he kissed his way down my neck. I rolled my hips against the hard bar between us, wishing this damn elevator would go faster already.

Finally there was a ding, and the elevator door opened. Yes!

No. Shane looked behind him at the older couple standing horrified outside the elevator door, their eyes wide. After only a split second, he was kissing me hungrily again. There was an indignant, feminine gasp, but no one got into the elevator. It must’ve been the wrong floor.

The next time the elevator stopped, Shane lifted me up off the railing, his huge hands supporting my ass. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, my clutch and heels dangling from one wrist as he picked me up and carried me to his door. Every step brought us together, his cock bumping against my pussy. It was sheer, blissful torture. A quick dig into his tux jacket pocket produced his keys, and then we were inside.

We didn’t even make it to the bedroom. He lowered me onto a soft leather couch, my legs hanging off the side. Shane leaned me back and held me in place with one hand as the other one delved under my dress. Hooking a thick finger under the satin scrap of fabric covering me, he pulled it off me and tossed it away.
