Page 25 of Secret Santa

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I poked at my eggs, my appetite nonexistent. It was hard to feel hungry when I was anxious about missing work, and even more anxious about going back to the office and figuring out our dynamic.

What was going to happen? Would he treat me differently? Did we have to hide…this, whatever this was? I hated feeling unsure. I liked a plan, and right now, I don't have one. Right now, I was free falling and relying on Aiden to catch me.

“You should eat your breakfast,” Aiden said, nudging me with his elbow. I sighed as I stabbed the egg but didn’t eat it. His eyes burned into the side of my head, but I couldn’t look at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I muttered. His fork clattered against the plate as he set it down and spun toward me.

“Danica.” I slid my eyes to him, my throat tightening at his firm tone. His gaze was unwavering and too all-knowing. I quickly averted mine, knowing I wore my emotions on my face. “What’s wrong?” He set his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing.

“Nothing,” I said again, my voice smaller. He took a steadying breath and slowly removed his hand. It was clenched into a tight fist as he set it beside his plate.

“Is it about last night?” he muttered. My head snapped up to him. His head was bowed, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “Did I push you too far?” He kept his eyes closed, anticipating the blow.

“No,” I whispered. “Last night was…” His eyes met mine, and I stopped talking. I didn’t have the words to tell him what last night was. Amazing didn’t feel like enough. “I enjoyed last night.” I cringed the words left my mouth.

“You enjoyed last night,” he repeated, and I gave him a weak smile. He didn’t look convinced, so I sighed.

“What’s going to happen when we go back to the office?” I asked, my voice quiet and eyes on my plate.

“What do you mean?” His voice was noticeably less tense, and his hand landed on my back as he gently stroked his thumb back and forth. “Nothing is going to happen.” My stomach twisted. That’s what I was afraid of. Nothing happening. Nothing changing. “Unless you want it to?” He sounded unsure, and that was somehow worse.

I shrugged, and he sighed again, sounding tired. He still looked just as exhausted as he had last night. It was clear he was used to getting much more sleep than I was, and I felt guilty about keeping him up. He didn’t have to bring me home with him. In fact, if he hadn’t, everything would’ve been easier.

“You’re thinking too hard,” he said, and I glanced at him again. “Today was supposed to be a day for you to relax, not stress.”

“I’m fine,” I said. “I don’t know why you’re obsessed with me relaxing. I relax all the time.” He snorted and turned back toward his plate, grabbing his fork.

“Yeah, no you don’t.” He took a bite and grinned around his fork. “What’s your favorite movie?” I scrunched my brows.


“Your favorite movie,” he repeated, then grabbed his glass of water. “We’re watching it.” I stared blankly at him. He wanted to watch a movie?

“Don’t you think we should go over your meeting–”

“Danica, come on,” he laughed. “Put work out of your mind today.” I didn’t know why I was making him work so hard to convince me–shouldn’t I want to take the day off and spend time with him?

Maybe it was fear. Maybe I was trying to sabotage things so it would be easier when he left.

“What’s your favorite movie?” he asked again, tapping my knee with his under the table. I chewed on my cheek, feeling my face flush.

“Pride and Prejudice,” I muttered. “The one with Keira Knightley.” I barely glanced at him, and when I did, I found him smiling at me.

“I haven’t seen it,” he said, and I turned fully toward him.

“What?” I breathed, aghast. “How have you never watched it? It’s a classic. No, it’s better than a classic.” He was grinning at me, his eyes twinkling. “What?”

“I like seeing you happy,” he muttered as he tucked my hair behind my ear. He propped his head on his other hand. “How can something be better than a classic?” His thumb trailed down my cheek.

“A masterpiece,” I whispered breathlessly. He grinned broader.

“You’re giving me high expectations.” He leaned forward and pressed a quick, gentle kiss to my forehead. “Let’s finish breakfast, then we can have a movie day, sound good?” I helplessly nodded and turned toward my plate.

My stomach growled, and my eyes widened in embarrassment. I looked at him again, but he only smiled and lifted his brows as he pointed at my plate with his fork.

“Eat,” he commanded in a soft voice. I took a small bite, and he squeezed my thigh. “Good girl.” I nearly melted off the chair. He chuckled, like he knew the effect he had on me, and turned his attention back to his plate. I did the same, and we finished our food in companionable silence.
