Page 3 of Secret Santa

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I stumbled slightly, and he tightened his hold on my hand, giving me a small grin before winking. I carefully hid behind his massive body to avoid running into my mother. I didn’t want her to ruin this, and I really didn’t want to answer questions.

“How about a dance, then some cake?” he asked as we approached the dance floor. My stomach twisted with nerves. I hated dancing. I wasn’t good at it. Clumsy was a kind way of describing my skills.

Still, he wanted to dance, and I wasn’t ready to let go of his hand, so I smiled up at him. “Sure.”

He grabbed my glass and held both in one hand as he found a table to set them on. Then he pulled me onto the floor. It was crowded, so I didn’t think Bridget or Mom would see us together. I didn’t think Bridget would care, but she would tease me relentlessly.

The song was fast paced, the beat heavy, so I spun around, pressing my back against his chest. It must’ve shocked him, because he stiffened momentarily before sliding his hands to my hips, his fingers dangerously close to the crease of my thighs.

I let the alcohol and music flow through me, control me. I rolled my hips in time with the song, and his hips moved with mine. Lifting my hands, I wrapped them behind his neck, and he ran his hand up my side, coming to rest high on my waist, almost brushing the underside of my breast.

I knew it was the whiskey. I knew it had gone to my head and made me feel braver and bolder than I would otherwise. It forced me out of my head and let me feel the music, his hard, hot body against mine, and everything else melted away.

His breath ghosted down my neck, and I tilted my head to the side, inviting him closer. Gently, he pressed a kiss to the curve of my neck and a small sigh left me. I rested my head back on his shoulder and let him control my body, letting him move my hips the way he wanted.

“Fuck,” he breathed, almost inaudible over our heavy breathing and the loud music. His hand slid higher until he’d almost cupped my breast. I felt him against my ass, growing harder, and I ground against him again. He hissed and tightened his grip on my hip.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and a slow song began. We stilled, our bodies still pressed tightly together. I opened my eyes to find a few people watching us with a mixture of lust and disgust.

He spun me around and rested his hand too low on my back. His eyes were burning bright in the low light, his square jaw tense as we stared at each other.

“Cake?” I whispered.

“One more dance,” he replied, his voice husky, and I nodded. I lifted a shaky hand for him to take as I slid my other onto his broad shoulder.

We stared at each other as he moved, leading the dance. I helplessly followed him. I didn’t know what to say. Nothing seemed like enough, not when his eyes were telling me so much.

The song ended, but we kept dancing, oblivious to the world around us. His eyes held me captive, safe in a room full of strangers. As another song started, faster than the last, I thought he was going to spin me around again, but he didn’t. He kept slow dancing with me in the sea of sweaty bodies.


I stiffened at the shrill, disapproving voice. His eyes searched mine, narrowing slightly before he turned his attention toward my mother. I took a deep breath before looking at her. I expected him to let go, but he didn’t. If anything, he only tightened his hold.

“Who’s your new friend?” she asked tightly. She smiled politely at Aiden but held her too-thin body tight.

“This is Aiden,” I gritted out as I turned away from him, trying to get out of his hold. His arm stayed locked around my waist, keeping me at his side. “We met at the bar.” Her lips pressed into a thin line as she glared at me. Her expression relaxed as she turned back to Aiden.

“I’m Dani’s mother,” she introduced herself, holding her hand out. He took it and gave a quick shake before letting go. “I’m ready to go home.”

“You can take my car,” I said. “My keys are in my purse.” She huffed out an irritated breath.

“You know I can’t drive at night,” she said. I squeezed my eyes shut. Of course. Of fucking course. I should’ve known she would ruin tonight.

It had been short-lived, this mini fairytale with Aiden, but I knew it had to end.

“Right,” I sighed, then turned to look at Aiden, finding him already staring at me.

“Can we do this again?” he asked, then shook his head. “I mean, would you like to have dinner sometime?” I smiled sadly. I’d love nothing more, but I felt my mother’s gaze burning into the side of my head. I knew she’d destroy whatever could grow between us.

“Yeah, maybe,” I said as I stepped back. He let me go, his hand falling limply to his side, his face falling in defeat. “You can get my number from Alex or Bridget.” I stepped closer to my mother, even though everything in me was screaming to not leave him, to not let him go.


I turned away before he could say anything else. I saw the glint in my mother’s eye, one I knew well. She was plotting to ruin my life, and I couldn’t take Aiden down with me.


