Page 31 of Secret Santa

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“Why would anyone want to know what I’m doing?” he asked, his brows bunching. “Why would anyone care?” I bit my lip, feeling my face flush. Taking a deep breath, I turned more toward him, and both of his arms wrapped around me, anchoring me to him.

“You’re attractive,” I mumbled, my fingers playing with the neck of his shirt. “People follow attractive people.” He chuckled, then put his finger under my chin, tipping my face up to meet his eyes. “Try it. Try building a following. You can teach people the importance of green energy, direct them to your company, and they’ll start putting your panels on their houses and businesses.” He twisted his lips to the side as he stared at me. I could see his mind working, and it was a beautiful thing to watch. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to his, unable to stop myself. “Just try it,” I whispered.

I pulled away and smiled softly at his shocked expression. He blinked a few times, then cleared his throat as he sat up straighter in the chair. He held me tighter to him as he turned toward the screen again.

“Help me figure this shit out,” he said under his breath. “Help keep me from embarrassing myself.”

“Social media is for embarrassing yourself,” I said, kissing his cheek. He glanced at me, a hidden smirk on his face. “But you’re so cute, I doubt anyone will care that you make them cringe.”

“This is a new side of you,” he murmured. My smile fell and I dropped my eyes to my lap. Right. Tone it down. “I like it.” I lifted my gaze to his, feeling unsure.

“Yeah?” He squeezed me tighter, and I leaned into him.

“There’s not a part of you I don’t like, Danica,” he said.

“My mom always told me–”

“Don’t finish whatever you’re about to say,” he growled. “Whatever that bitch told you is a fucking lie.” My eyes widened at his firm tone. His jaw tensed, his arms flexing. “You’re perfect just the way you are–whether you’re quiet and reserved, or silly and cute, like you were just now. She put lies into your head and I’m going to take them all out.”

My chest swelled with warmth as I rested my head on his shoulder. “It’ll take a lot of work,” I muttered. He pressed his lips to the top of my head.

“I’m up for it,” he said against my hair. “You’re worth it.”



“Relax,” Aiden murmured as he squeezed my hand. “It’ll be fine. I promise.” I pressed my lips into a thin smile, then continued chewing on my cheek. I was too anxious to say anything. We were seconds away from getting off this elevator and going into the office…together.


This morning, after he gave me another Earth-shattering orgasm, we got ready for work together as if we’d done it a million times, like it was normal. When he told me we were coming in together, I felt a surge of panic, but then he kissed me and I couldn’t think past his lips on mine.

He promised everyone would be fine with it, with us, but a giant part of me still couldn’t shake the way David had said I was getting special treatment from Aiden. I could deny it then, but now?

Aiden’s hand stayed grasping mine as we walked down the short hallway, and all too soon, he opened the door. With a deep breath, I walked in. I expected him to let go, but he didn’t. I didn’t think this was how he wanted to announce our new relationship.

God. What was I doing? Sleeping with my boss, apparently. I already knew everyone was going to judge me ten times harder than they would ever judge him, and I didn’t handle judgment well. Just because I’d had to endure it my entire life didn’t mean it was easy.

Monica’s head lifted, and when her eyes met Aiden’s, she smiled. It immediately fell when she saw our hands clasped together. If looks could kill, I would’ve died on the spot.

“Good morning,” Aiden greeted her as we walked past her desk.

“Aiden.” Her voice was tight, but she managed another smile. “Dani, I need your help with something.” My stomach twisted tightly.

“Sure,” I said. “Let me get settled–”

“It’ll only take a second.” I glanced up at Aiden, but if he noticed her tone, he didn’t make it obvious. With a steadying breath, I extracted my hand from his and made my way to her desk. He unlocked the door and disappeared through my office and into his, then Monica turned her seething gaze onto me. “What do you think you’re doing?”

I blinked at her. “What?”

“Don’t play stupid,” she scoffed. Leaning forward, she put her hands on the desk as she glared at me. “If you think sleeping with him will mean a promotion, you’re wrong.” I blinked at her again, and when my mouth opened, nothing came out. “Trust me,” she sneered, “I know from experience.”

I felt sick.

Truly sick.

“You–you were together?” I looked back at the empty doorway, feeling my world spinning. She laughed, and I turned back to her.
