Page 61 of Secret Santa

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I was a writhing, whimpering mess as I barreled closer to my release. He licked against the spot he’d just bitten, then sucked gently on it. I arched back into him, letting him hit deeper.

“Fucking come for me,” he growled, his voice strangled. “Come for me in three, two…” His words were guttural as his cock thickened. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m coming. One. Come with me, baby. Come with Daddy.” I screamed into his hand, my entire body seizing as I came. His come was hot as he shot into me, filling me up like he’d promised. The feel of it made me come harder, knowing I’d been the one to draw that pleasure from him.

Finally, he stopped and lowered his hand. We were still panting hard, my face flushed in a way that would let everyone know exactly what we’d just done.

I rested my forehead against my forearms as he slowly pulled out, then righted my panties, giving my pussy a little tap. My legs shook as he helped me stand, my hands going to his chest to steady myself.

“That was one of our best,” I said breathlessly. He let out a choked laugh, then kissed me gently.

“Every time is the best with you,” he said against my lips. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help the smile that spread.

“We need to get down there. Bridget is probably having a fit,” I said. He stole another kiss, making my knees weak.

As we walked from the bathroom, his thumb rubbed my wedding ring back and forth, like he always did. Walking down the steps, he brought it to his mouth and kissed it, then kissed my cheek.

“Oh, I forgot something,” he said when we reached the bottom. “I’ll be right back.” I gave him a weird look, but he didn’t notice it as he bounded back up the steps.

I made my way to the living room, finding Emma on Alex’s lap and Avery, Bridget’s four-year-old, sitting beside them, his eyes wide as he stared at my baby.

“Aiden will be right–” I paused when I took in what they were wearing. “You’re kidding me.” Bridget grinned broadly. I spun around as Aiden walked into the room, his ugly Christmas sweater on and mine in his hand. “Oh God.” He held it out, and Bridget laughed from behind me.

“I can’t believe I almost forgot these,” he said. “It’s a Christmas tradition.”

“It’s not a tradition if we’ve only worn them once,” I said as I yanked it over my head. It was tight against my growing stomach, but was still warm and comfy, just as ugly as it had been five years ago.

“That’s a good look,” Bridget said, and I shot her the finger.

“Yours is uglier than mine,” I pointed out and she shrugged.

“It’s the person wearing it that makes it look good.” She spun in a circle, letting us see the ugly sweater in all its glory. “I make this look good.” I couldn’t hold in my bark of laughter.

Aiden’s arm wrapped around me as he kissed the top of my head. Alex set Emma down and she stumbled toward the Christmas tree, her little hands ready to destroy anything she could grab.

Tears made my throat tight, and I tried blinked them away. Five years ago, I would’ve never guessed that this would be my life. I would’ve never thought that some random man at my sister’s wedding would one day be my husband, the father of my children, my boss. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have someone as amazing as him.

But here we are. Together, happy, and so fucking loved.

