Page 75 of Yours Truly

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He turned down the dirt road that led to the house I’d lived in for the last few years of my life. Everything that happened in that house was a nightmare. I didn’t have one happy memory—no, that was a lie. I had two. One was when Emmett kissed me near the front door, and the other was when he came to save me.

I looked at him again—my love. My savior. My everything.

“I love you,” I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. Leaning over, he pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. I still couldn’t believe this man was mine.

“Let’s grab your things and get out of here,” he said as he stopped in front of the trailer. I took a deep breath as I stared out at it. I was grateful I wouldn’t have to go back inside. I couldn’t bear to look at the spot in the kitchen I’d spent hours scrubbing blood from.

The house I grew up in with my parents was just a few blocks away, but it felt like it was in another universe. That house was big and clean and new. It was warm and cozy, and it always smelled like desserts. There was always laughter—whether my parents laughing together or them making me laugh.

There was just so much love there.

But this place… This place was cold, and disgusting, and dilapidated. It only ever smelled like dessert when I took the time to bake, but it was usually overpowered by Connor.

There was no laughter. There was no love.

There was only darkness and an icy cold that spread over every inch of the place. I wouldn’t miss it. And I was guilty to say I wouldn’t miss him.

“Stay here,” I said softly, my throat clogged with emotion. “I need to do this on my own.” He hesitated, and I knew he was fighting the urge to follow me, to demand to know what was so important that I needed to stop where we murdered my brother only days ago. But I couldn’t tell him. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

Finally, he nodded and let me slip from the car. I felt his gaze on me as I walked toward the old storm shelter. The metal handles were hot as I gripped them, opening the familiar doors. A thick, earthy scent hit me, and I inhaled deeply.

I’d spent so much time down here, it felt more like home than my actual house ever did. The wooden stairs creaked as I walked down them, the old nails straining to stay in place with every step.

Finally, my foot hit the solid concrete ground, the sunlight shining in from the open doors above. But I didn’t need the light to know where the light switch was. Every inch of this room was ingrained in me. I’d memorized it all, but I turned the light on anyway.

As soon as the soft glow flickered to life, I looked around at the walls, that familiar love and warmth settling in my chest. Doing this, making this place my sanctuary, had been the only thing to keep me sane.

I took in the articles taped to the walls, scanning the headlines as I traced the thick black letters with the tip of my finger.

Popular Professor Accused of Misconduct with Multiple Students

University Administration Faces Backlash Over Handling of Professor-Student Relationships

Additional Allegations Surface Against Beloved University Professor

Professor Faces Suspension Pending Investigation into Inappropriate Student Relationships

I sighed as I traced the black-and-white photo of Emmett, the one that was taken from his old university’s faculty website. He was so handsome—he still is. But something about his time sleeping with his students made him glow from within. He was truly happy.

And that was all I ever wanted.

I’d changed my schedule a million times until I was in his class, and I’d made sure to show him how much I love reading and writing. That I could be one of those girls for him. That I could make him as happy as he’d made me.

I followed the case closely, not for some sick reason, but because when I first saw a photo of Emmett, it was like everything fell into place and the Universe was telling me that he was my soulmate. I knew I had to do anything I could to meet him and, better yet, to make him fall in love with me.

I knew he’d be the one to save me from Connor, from this life. I knew he’d come for me, and I knew we’d be happy together. And if I’d never found these articles, if I’d never seen a photo of him, where would I be? Likely still being abused by my brother.

But not anymore.

Because Emmett, my true love, my soulmate and twin flame, saved me.

I took a deep breath, smiling to myself as I moved to the boxes in the corner, taking the lid off the top one. I stared inside at all the contents, grinning at the rubber band laying on top. He thought I didn’t know what he’d used it for, but I’d heard him in the bathroom that day. When I found it in his apartment, I knew I had to have it.

Reaching in, I grabbed a shirt I’d seen him wear in one of his photos leaving his old school. It was a dark navy blue that brought out the green in his eyes. It was one of my favorite colors to see him in, but he didn’t wear it much while he was here. Maybe he would when we got to wherever we were going.

I shoved things to the side and grabbed the smaller box of photos at the bottom. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure I was truly alone, I opened it. I felt my body heat at the sight of the photos, and the only thing I wanted was for Emmett to look at them while he fucked me.

I’d gotten access to his computer while he was in class one day and found all of the photos of his old girls on it. I sent them all to myself and printed them so we’d never lose them. I knew he’d be upset if anything ever happened to them. I just needed to figure out a way to save the videos, too.

The box was full of everything that belonged to Emmett—things I didn’t think he’d want to forget. I made sure to add my scrapbook of articles and photos of him before closing up the box and turning the light off.

I’d miss this place the most. I stared at the dark room, remembering the late nights I’d spent down here with Emmett, feeling the most loved and cared for I’d ever felt in my life. And he didn’t even know it.

But that was the thing about predators. You never knew who they were, and by the time you did, it was too late.

The End
