Page 38 of Marco

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I sigh in relief. "You should have told me you were feeling so bad."

"I wasn't feeling bad." He smirks at me. "I was feeling amazing, in fact."

I'm blushing, but because of the sauna's lingering effect, no one can tell.

Chapter Fourteen

I insisted that Marco take a shower and cool down in our room. He didn't argue. I'm waiting for him to finish up in the bathroom when someone knocks.

Frowning curiously, I stand and grab the knob. "Hello?"

Derek stands in the hallway. "Ah. So you're why my brother isn't answering my calls."

"Marco is finishing in the shower," I say curtly.

"He doesn't take his phone in there with him? Amateur hour, I swear."

He tries to lean around me into the room; I move to block him, arms on both sides of the door frame. "It's great you want to chat with himnow.Why not when he came to see you this morning?"

"Oh, he told you about that. Well I shouldn't be shocked, he doesn't know how to separate business from pleasure."

My face screws up as anger permeates my blood. I step forward, pushing him back, and shut the door behind me. "You really hate my guts, huh?" I ask.

Derek lifts his brows, amused by my actions. "Tough girl. You want to fight me like my brother did, too? That where this is leading?"

"Answer me. You hate me, right? You didn't want me to come along for this cruise."

Derek covers his mouth to muffle a chuckle. "The opposite, actually."

I recoil. "I don't understand."

"You played your part perfectly, Filia. Thanks to you, my brothers have had their eyes opened to what a selfish mess Marco is. They were blind to it for so long, always hand-waving away my complaints. He acts like I'm the sloppy one, yet here he is, on the verge of losing our mother's precious company, and all he can focus on is a pretty girl like you."

One more step backwards sends me slamming into the door. I brace myself there, like I'm recovering from being hit. Derek didn't touch me but he didn't need to. "You used me like a tool to hurt Marco?" I whisper, horrified.

"Don't get so offended. If it wasn't you it would be another chick. You're not special, don't lethimtrick you into thinking that, or you'll end up as screwed over as my dear brother." His eyes flash. "Now that you know I'm using you, and Marco is using you, lean into it. Help turn him away from fighting for the company. Sure, you can flirt all the money you want out of out of him, but if you help me I'll pay you straight up. You won’t even have to put out. No games, no fucking and preening for presents. Isn't that cleaner? Isn't that nicer?"

My entire skull feels too small for all the rage bubbling upwards. "Fuck you," I growl.

He laughs in surprise. "Fuck me? I just said you don'tneedto do that to get the payout you want."

"I never wanted money!" I lunge forward and he retreats, the shock plain on his face. It takes all I have not to slash my nails over his jaw. It's only because of Marco that I hold back. "I love Marco. And he loves me."

Derek's eyebrows inch lower. His shock becomes disgust. "You and him are pathetic. Forget I came by. I don't have anything to say to Marco."

Before I can respond, the door jolts open behind me. I start to freefall, but a strong set of hands balances me. Marco; he's wearing khakis and a short-sleeve Henlee style shirt the same shade as his eyes. His jaw is tight, something like understanding on his face as he takes in Derek's presence.

"You don't have anything to say to me, brother?" Marco asks coldly. "I'm not sure that's true."

Derek smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh? What do you think I'd have to say?"

Marco narrows his eyes and steps around me. I can feel the heat emanating from him. "I think you came here with an agenda."

At this point Derek throws back his head and laughs loudly. "Don't talk like you're a fucking detective."

"Come out with it, then."

"Like I told your little side-piece, I'm done. There's no point anymore."
