Page 122 of The Beloved

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“—and take care of yourself.”

“—rethinking that decision.”

As their argument came to a pause for respiration, the patrol car blew through a red light, and Shuli glared out the window, watching the blue flashes strobe the buildings. As they went by Bathe, he shook his head.

What was next, he blew up his own house?

The soft chuckle from up front brought his head back around—which was a mistake as the pounding between his ears flared to an eye-bulging degree.

“You two,” Rhage murmured with a sentimental smile. “You remind me of good times.”

Shuli glanced at L.W. Who popped a brow.

The Brother continued. “And I’m glad you both got out okay. I’ve gotten caught in a tight crack like that before.” Those brilliant blue eyes focused on Shuli. “And of course he was going back for you.”

“No offense, but that makes no sense.” Shuli pushed himself up a little higher on the seat. “Plus he doesn’t even like me.”

“This is true,” L.W. piped in.

Shuli nodded at the guy. “Right? I mean, shit, if you’re going to risk your own life, at least do it for someone who matters to you.”

Rhage shook his head and hit the gas as the light turned green. “It’s in his DNA. He’s not going to leave anybody behind. You did the right thing, though, Shuli. Protecting the King or the heir apparent above all else is the correct impulse.”

L.W. laughed a little and motioned at Shuli. “This guy. He runs right into the line of fire—down that corridor. Did you see that hall?”

Rhage shook his head. “Not yet. Payne and I are going back to deconstruct the scene.”

“Fucking nuts. Steel-lined, nowhere to go, funneling right out into what was an ambush. It was suicidal.”

Holding up his forefinger, Shuli countered, “I’mnotinterested in killing myself. Just to be clear.”

“You could have stayed and defended our position right beside me.”

“And tell me, how would that have worked for us as a stream oflessersentered that open area? You think they were just going to take a load off while you breached the door?”

“It didn’t take me long!”

“It could have. We didn’t know what was going to happen—”

“Becauseyoudecided to be a hero.”

“Oh, sothat’swhy you came after me?” Shuli rolled his eyes. “A crown isn’t enough, you need a Superman cape, too?”

“Are youreallystill arguing with me?”

“Well, someone’s gotta stand up to your ass. Everybody else thinks you shit rainbows—”

The crack of laughter from the front shut down the second wave of bitey-face, and what do you know. As Shuli glanced at L.W. with annoyance, the heir to the throne looked back at him with a similar set of pursed lips.

But neither of them was going to tell the Brother to quit it with the giggles.

After all, Shuli might have been willing to run headfirst into a legion oflessers, but he was not interested in getting eaten alive by Rhage’s dragon. At least with the former, he had a chance at making it out alive.

“You guys are awesome together,” Rhage said with approval. “A real matched pair.”

Shuli and L.W. looked at each other again.

“We are not.”
