Page 11 of Forever Flaunting

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Elana flat-out told him she was looking to be treated decently, like she was special, wanted someone sincere, dedicated to her, and wanted to build a future together – and implied that it wasn’t going to be someone like him.

Max wasn’t stupid enough to argue differently because it was the truth. He’d never thought about a second or third date before, never imagined wanting to win over someone for longer than a few hours. Dating was all about getting the right ‘angle’ with the ladies… and he didn’t care which one.

Craving a particular lady?


Never… only this particular lady rang his bell. It was like a tuning fork suddenly humming before going still. He wanted to know more about Elana with every fiber of his being – from what she ate for breakfast, what shampoo she used, if she actually wore thigh-high stockings, or to share one of those beers she’d bought with her, cuddling on a sofa watching television.

He wanted more than just sex from her.

“I want that too, but dang it – I want so much more,” Max muttered aloud, punching the couch in frustration as he adjusted his pillow… and it hit him. He sat up in awareness. Padding across the floor barefoot, Piddles barely looked up at him from where she was sleeping as he grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen, making notes.

He was about to argue his case with the hottest attorney around.

“Oh, man…” Max began, feeling his lower intestines rumble painfully.

He looked up at the sign that simply said ‘LAW OFFICE’ in capital letters. The last time he was in an attorney’s office, his father had been helping him get out of a juvenile delinquent case that was expunged. It had to be for him to get into the Air Force Academy and explained as much. The time before that, he didn’t remember but knew Reese did.

Their parent’s divorce proceedings.

Swallowing hard, he straightened his uniform that he’d been pressing this morning. Reese and Eileen had teased him for just a few moments, before Eileen offered to help, supporting him. He showed his notes to his brother, explained what he was intending to do, and Reese had looked at him with such surprise, respect, and admiration that it had left him reeling.

“I am so proud of you right now, you know that?”

“You think it will work?”

“No, but it shows me – and Elana – the man you are, and I couldn’t be more proud to have you as a brother, Twerp.”

Those words rang in his mind as he entered the building, trying to put on a brave face before feeling in his pocket again for his scribbled notes. His palms were sweating, and he had a bouquet of roses in his hand, hoping to at least get a chance to speak with the lovely Elana.

Seeing a desk, he immediately stepped forward.

“I need to see Elana Cole, please.”

“Do you have an appointment?”


“Is she expecting you, sir?”


“I can try to buzz her,” the secretary said skeptically and looked at him. “Who shall I say is here?”

“Tell her it’s a big groveling idiot who has come to plead his case.”

The woman smirked and looked at him, leaned forward and smiled at him.

“You know, if she’s not available… I am.”

“Not interested,” he said openly, pointing at the phone. “Can you please get Miss Cole on the line and tell her that the groveling dork is here to beg for forgiveness?”

“I thought you were a groveling idiot?” came a voice behind him, and Max whirled around, nearly tripping over his own feet as he saw Elana standing behind him.…

A small whimper escaped him as he took in her appearance. Elana was standing there with her dark hair upswept, and a red pen pierced the chignon that was held by a claw clip. She had dark glasses perched on the end of her nose, pale nude lipstick on, with deep eyeliner that only accentuated her stunning eyes. She was wearing a form-fitting pencil skirt that fell below the knee. Her blouse was tucked in, giving shape to her hourglass figure, but her neckline was unbuttoned, revealing the barest hint of cleavage, and he couldn’t stop staring.

She was so freakin’ hot.
