Page 19 of Forever Flaunting

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“I’m always nice,” he murmured. “So tell me about yourself. What have you been up to other than getting all sexy over the years?”

Elana looked at him and leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I have a brain, you know.”

“Me too.”

“Use yours then,” Elana said openly, lifting an eyebrow. “And tell me what was wrong in that sentence you just said.”

Max’s smile fell slightly, and he nodded. Just seeing that light in his eyes fade made her feel like she’d kicked a puppy. He was obviously delighted and flirting with her – and she was putting a kibosh on it.

She reached over the table and touched his hand. His eyes widened in surprise as this was the first time she reached for him and not the other way around.

“If you’re serious, then get to know me,” she whispered openly. “You don’t have to try so hard to put on a show. Let me get to know you, and the rest can come later.”

“I’m boring,” he admitted quietly, not looking away from her eyes. “I want to make you laugh and smile… because making you happy makes me feel like I’m something special.”

Elana’s lips parted in surprise at the candid honesty from him – and how sweet he genuinely was underneath.

“What if I like boring,” she began, smiling nervously at him. “And I kinda like the way you make me laugh and smile. Tell me about yourself,” she invited. “Likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams… and your deepest darkest secrets.”

“You’re an attorney,” he smirked. “I could get in trouble.”

“You are trouble,” she countered, matching his expression – only for the waitress to return with the two glasses of wine. Their hands parted easily as Max handed her a glass and took one for himself.

“Trouble… and all the joy that comes with it,” he smiled, and she rolled her eyes in awareness, laughing softly at him.

“You are just flaunting what a mess you are – aren’t you? I swear I should be grabbing my purse and leaving.”

“But you love it in a way you can’t understand, don’t you?”

She looked at him, tapped his glass creating a slight ‘ping’ as the delicate glasses met, before taking a small sip.

“I really don’t understand it,” she admitted.

“I’m like algebra,” he chuckled. “Looks weird, slightly intimidating, you don’t know what the heck is going on… but someday you might need me, according to every math teacher on the planet.”

“Oh mercy…”

“Are you saying that math is irrelevant?”


“Say it with me – ‘I need Mathematical Max in my life.’”

“I’m not saying that,” she chuckled, taking another sip, and her eyes met his smile.

“Have I mentioned I’m a patient man?”

“You’ll have to be…”

“I love how you play hard to get, kitten…”

She looked at him again and saw that confident smile that slipped on his face so easily. He was a charmer – and it was working. Everything he was saying, doing, insinuating, or how he looked at her was incredibly flattering.

“Who’s playing?” she said lightly and saw his smile widen even more. “And why do you keep calling me ‘Kitten’?”

“A couple of reasons,” he shrugged and leaned forward to whisper to her. “First off, you remind me of one of those sex kittens from the fifties with all those curves…”
