Page 25 of Forever Flaunting

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“You’ll have to trust me.”

“Ha!” she scoffed tearfully, looking away from him again. “I hate that you keep pressuring me, and we obviously want different things.”

“What if I told you that I think we want the same things, but I have no idea how to go about it,” Max hesitated. “Come here…”


“Please?” he invited again and tugged on the handcuffs, giving her a wry smile. “I don’t think these would have broken in the courtroom.”

“The case was thrown out,” she said hotly. “They are not police-issued.”

“Please, Elana?”

She walked toward the edge of the bed and gingerly sat down.

“I’m here,” she began and paused, tensing and waiting for him to suddenly yank off one of the handcuffs like He-Man, breaking free and grappling her like some sex-crazed-nymphomaniac… yet he didn’t move. Max was looking at her with a tender gaze in his eyes.

“I want to get to know you, and I like making you smile,” he began quietly – and she turned her face away. “Knowing that I made you upset by acting stupid really bothered me. I’d like to talk, to keep in touch when I leave here, but I’ve never had a relationship before…”

“You’ve dated girls. I know you have.”

“I think the most I’ve been out with someone is twice – maybe three times,” he admitted. “I’ve never wanted to stick around or care about if they got mad.”

“We both know you don’t care now.”

“Actually,” he began, and she looked at him once more, feeling a flare of hope in her chest. “I don’t want to make you cry… ever.”

“I don’t think I want to discuss this anymore,” she whispered, looking away. “Our date is over, and I think you need to go home.”

“Do you want to call the police if you are scared of me?”

“Are you going to hurt me?”


“You know I have a gun hidden in this room, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

“I figured as much when you told me about the alarm,” he smiled. “I’m glad, and I hope you are a crack shot.”

“You’re an imbecile, you know that?”

“When it comes to you – yes.”

They both sat there unmoving, and her mind was racing with all the different things that could happen when she unlocked those cuffs. If she were smart, she’d call the police or his brother – but she didn’t want to get him in trouble. She just wished he would think about her; not just getting her into bed, but her as a person.

“Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked softly.

And Elana couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing at the softly spoken yet outrageous statement coming from him. He was literally handcuffed to her bed; she was hurt and madder than a firecracker at him, and he was asking her out… again.

“You need your head examined.”

“Is that a yes, Kitten?”

“No,” she retorted and took the key, inserting it in the handcuffs closest to her. The cuff popped open, and he took the key from her, unlocking the other one as she got up from her seat and moved away from him.


He stood up, rubbing his wrists, and left the bedroom altogether without a word. Curiously, she followed him and saw him standing by the front door – waiting.
