Page 79 of Forever Flaunting

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My sweet and wonderful Max,

I am sitting at my desk at work, laughing hysterically at your email – and while I appreciate you wanting to make me smile, I don’t want it to come off as mocking or teasing when you read this. I’m sincerely happier now than I have been in the last 24 hours because you reached out.

Let’s plan our honeymoon. I love the idea of going somewhere romantic and I will happily let you whisk me away. The idea of being alone, maybe a beach or something— possibly a cabin or a villa – well, that all just sounds dreamy. No snakes, apples, or anything of the sort. What do you have in mind when you say ‘adventure’?

I would love to see Paris someday –and powdered donut beignets (not bidets) are supposed to be delicious. Bidets are something else entirely – trust me.

A tropical paradise sounds incredible but expensive. All of your suggestions sound wonderful. Let me do a little digging around online, and let me know your time frame. I can check my calendar, start looking at activities at different locations, and then we can narrow down the list.

Velma? Seriously? You have a thing for Velma, who always lost her glasses, instead of Daphne? I thought all the guys loved Daphne and her curvy figure.

I am not too sure about a coconut bra, mister – but marriage is about compromise. I will agree to wear a bikini for the first time ever, just for you. There is something so magical in the way you look at me, and I kinda want to see your reaction. It might be a very modest one, so try to keep your imagination in check, and let’s just make sure the pool or hot tub is private – okay?

Do you know Reese and Eileen came over last night, and we had (and I’m serious) ‘Boob ice cream’ in honor of you? Well, it was two scoops of ice cream in a bowl, but Reese kept teasing me with things you would say in order to keep me from crying.

I’m so happy you wrote.

I’ve actually been happy since that first moment you handcuffed yourself to me at the grocery store. My life hasn’t been the same, and the changes have been beautiful. I have a friend I never expected, a partner I never dreamed of, and a family that is beyond wonderful.

Thank you for misunderstanding the ‘bait’ and for being bold enough to act on it… because I miss you too – more than I ever thought possible.

Yours truly,


Clicking send, she sighed once more, putting her elbows on her desk and her face in her hands, taking several deep breaths and trying not to cry. She had a new client scheduled in an hour to discuss a lawsuit he wanted to file. Sitting back in her chair, she saw the picture frame on her desk, and her mouth dropped open.

She had bought that little frame as a gift to herself when she opened her office. It had been horribly expensive. It was sterling silver and inlaid with enamel to give an appearance of flowers around the square frame with a lace appearance to it, and she had left the display photo in the frame. It would be egotistical to put her photo in there, and she had no one in her life at the time, but now she had Max.

Yanking open her desk drawer, Elana grabbed her cell phone and looked through the photos Reese had taken during their wedding. One of them was so beautiful, so touching. She knew in an instant that it would be the perfect one to go in the frame.

She and Max had been standing there, under the arch, holding hands. He had already put the ring on her finger, and you could see it glistening in the photo – along with the emotion on their faces. Both of them looked so hopeful, so happy, and so full of longing that it made her heart clench in awareness. That photo was everything and said so much.

She quickly ordered a 4x6 to put in the frame – and an 8x10 print that she wanted to hang at the house or put next to her bed. She wanted to see that smile, those soulful eyes, every time she lay down to sleep, and she smiled, talking to the image on her phone.

“Who knew that ‘I need Mathematical Max in my life’? You teased me about it, and I guess you were right, after all.”



“See ya’, boss…” Max volunteered, walking out of Reaper’s office and nearly sprinting down the hallway just to put some distance between him and the conversation they’d just had.

Firefly had a big mouth, and word of his marriage had spread like wildfire. The man had a heart of gold but literally no filter. The juicier the gossip, the more people that knew – and it had always been that way. Firefly was the one who blabbed to everyone about Caboose’s secret stash of brew hidden in his footlocker after Greene’s death. They had all gotten completely plastered on hooch that smelled like turpentine and tasted like peaches, and they had sobbed like a bunch of babies.

Gosh, that had been such a hard time, too.

The moment Outfield went missing – he’d immediately requested time off, and it was granted a week later. He never expected to actually go on vacation with the guy! He’d informed his commanding officer when he was flying out and next thing he knew – Outfield was on the same flight, seated on the same row.

Reaper was sneaky like that – which alarmed him regarding the conversation that they’d all just had. He was asking their opinion for the next person to take over the team. The man always had a plan – always – and this was just his way of dangling the bait to start laying the groundwork of who it was going to be.

While Max might not be the brightest crayon in the box, he knew Reaper’s tactics. The other man let nothing slip unintentionally, which meant that Piranha or Cavalier was going to be next up. Either that, or he was about to drop a nuke, blowing them all out of the water. Even when Ricochet got promoted, that had shocked everyone. He had money bet on Paradox taking over, only to lose twenty bucks in the process.

For some reason, Reaper was also suggesting that Elana meet with the other women back home. Sophie, Reaper’s wife, and several of the other Flyboys’ wives.

But why?

And then came the other bombshells…
