Page 93 of Forever Flaunting

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“Oh my gosh, womannnn…” he groaned. “Give me something, please?”

“What are you going to give me?” she flirted, knowing he was not really upset but rather enjoying this moment.

“I’ll give you anything you want,” he promised huskily.

“What if I said that maybe I wanted to entice you or…” and she paused as he made a noise that sounded distinctly like a whimper.

“Don’t finish that sentence,” he begged softly. “I can’t handle anything that comes after that. Remember I’m a very lonely man who misses his wife.”

“She misses you too.”

“Elana,” he whispered. “I seriously love you, kitten. More than I ever dreamed possible – and I am so grateful you married me.”

“It’s a green bikini… and the straps are gold chains,” she said huskily – and laughed as he made another noise that sounded like a sob. “Max? Are you okay? It’s very modest, I assure you.”

“Against all that creamy skin? No, I’m not okay!” he laughed, sounding embarrassed. “I’m losing my mind without you near me – and nearly lost it in my pants. You can’t do that to me, kitten. I’ve got to keep up appearances in front of the guys.”



A few weeks later


Max got off the plane and sighed heavily. Why was it when you wanted to do something important or made plans to work out perfectly – that something always went wrong. This time, ‘perfect’ was very ‘IMPERFECT’ and he was helpless to do anything.

He was supposed to arrive forty-five minutes before Elana, instead he was almost an hour late due to a delay. The plane had a flat tire and couldn’t pull out of the gate in London for a while. They had to disembark before reloading the plane and finally taking off.

Grabbing his bag from the overhead bin, he tried to rush off of the plane but the flight crew was allowing everyone who was catching a departing flight go first… and this was his stop. He and Elana were here in paradise for the next six days before he had to fly back to Afghanistan, parting ways.

Finally leaving the plane, he hurried down the walkway and shook his phone in frustration, trying to turn it on so he could call Elana. He’d turned it off on the flight to save his battery and was really regretting it now. Walking into the throng of people, he looked around and saw the small café down the way that displayed the resort's name – praying Elana had made it there with no problems… and saw her.

“Can you check his flight… please?”

Her beautiful voice sounded like she was about ready to cry. Was she worried that he’d skip out and not show up? When was she going to learn how to trust him?

“Ma’am, the bus is going to be here in ten minutes. I’m sorry, but if you’d like to go to the resort and wait for him there…”

“I can’t!” she blurted out in a choked voice. “I’m not leaving without him.”

Max stepped forward, determined to make his girl laugh or smile. He pretended to stumble against her back, bracing one hand on either side of the counter and heard her exclamation of alarm, right before he kissed a spot behind her ear… while swatting her butt playfully.

“There’s a bug,” he murmured tenderly – and was rewarded with the most glorious sight as Elana turned in his arms, her wide surprised eyes melted in a split second as she sighed his name.

Oh mercy, if that single look alone wasn’t heaven, he wasn’t sure what was anymore. There in her eyes was everything he imagined heaven would be – love, understanding, a welcoming by those he loved, and a sense of coming home. She flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

“You’re here!”

“Hey Kitten… of course I am,” he said softly, cradling her against him. “I told you we were going on our honeymoon.”

“I know, but I thought maybe something had happened…”

“Trust me,” he breathed, smiling at her as she pulled back to look up at him. “Let me tell you, if something prevents me from lounging around in paradise with my wife in a bikini… you should probably take cover because the world is coming to an end.”

And was rewarded with her soft laugh that made him shiver in delight, looking up to see a bright blue bus pulling along the wall of glass windows at the terminal office where they were waiting.
