Page 20 of Terror

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But not only is she there, but Dante is watching too. “Seth, I hope I didn’t offend you. If you need me, just ask, okay?” I say softly once more, and I take my leave.

I walk through the kitchen and let out a deep sigh, annoyed. “Well, that was awful,” Marie says way too loudly, and I cringe hoping that he didn’t hear her.

“It was. I’m shocked that he even asked. He has been coming in for months for lunch.”

“He has liked you from the second he came in here, but he is not my son.” She shrugs her shoulders and I burst out laughing bumping my hip into hers.

“I will take over waiting on him.” She rubs my shoulder soothingly.

I walk out of the kitchen with Marie following me, heading straight for Seth. She tops off his coffee and takes down his food order, at least he still has an appetite for food.

“Ready for your check?” I ask the single mom and her toddler gives me a dirty grin where her face is covered in ketchup.

Her mom laughs at her face. She’s exhausted, but I can see the happiness on her face. I know that being a mom is one of the biggest blessings and I can see she feels the same with the look on her face.

“If you ever need a babysitter, I would be willing to help while you go out. You could even take a nap in my apartment upstairs.” My heart hurts that she is so alone; she has mentioned in passing that she lost her boyfriend in an accident years prior.

She looks at me like she is ready to burst into tears. “I would love that.” I write my number on a notepad sliding it over to her and she takes it with a smile. She pays for their meals and they are off.

I clean up the table and prepare it for the next customers. The doors open again and Terror walks in.

I can’t fight the smile I get when his eyes go directly to me as he sits down at the booth I was just cleaning. “Want me to get you some lunch?” I ask.

He pulls me down so I’m sitting down next to him, kissing my cheek. I laugh and push myself back up to my feet. “I need to get back to work.”

I slide out of the booth and walk a couple to the booth a few down from Seth. I peek at him from the corner of my eye.

I get the customers’ drinks and slide them on the table in front of them. “I will be back in a few minutes for your order.” They barely hear me so wrapped up in each other.

Terror is out of the booth and standing in front of the register talking to his mom. I make my way over and he looks over my shoulder in the direction of Seth.

“I was just telling my son here about the proposition you just got,” Marie says with a smirk on her face.

I give her a look like, ‘are you serious’ and Terror is chuckling at my reaction. “Well, I turned him down, obviously.” My face is burning from his attention and Marie throwing me under the bus.

“It was uncomfortable, I didn’t like it,” Marie says and turns away toward the kitchen.

Terror is looking over my shoulder at Seth. I sigh because she is not wrong. Because it was weird the way that he stared at me after.

“Thanks for getting my car fixed, Terror,” I thank him again. “That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, besides your mom offering me the apartment,” I pipe in lastly.

Terror has his mother’s heart without a doubt, along with the same kind eyes. He smiles and his eyes are looking at me in a type of way that has my breath coming out in short pants.

I clear my throat. “I need to go check on the customers.” My voice is rough from all the emotions I’m feeling.

He chuckles and I smile sheepishly, turning around and coming face to face with Seth, who is right behind us. I bump straight into his chest. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I apologize, moving back toward Terror to give us both room.

He is holding up his check between his fingers. I reach up and take it from him. Terror moves to stand sort of between Seth and I, almost in a protective stance.

Seth doesn’t acknowledge Terror, just continues to stare at me in that weird way of his. “Seth, you’re starting to scare me. Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone?” I ask, starting to shake from the nerves.

Terror notices this and moves me so I’m behind him, backing Seth up who is now staring at Terror. I feel like I can breathe now that his eyes are off me.

I turn around and see Marie watching everything going down. I slide the check over to her letting her handle it and then I realize that he never gave me his card or money.

“Seth, did you want to pay with your card?” I ask from behind Terror, peeking around.

He reaches in his pocket. Terror stiffens like he is waiting for Seth to do something crazy.
