Page 28 of Terror

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I eye the clock for the tenth time in the last thirty minutes. She has been in the bathtub for an hour and I’m getting worried.

I stand outside the bathroom to see if I can hear some noises, but I hear nothing. I knock gently on the door and wait to see if she answers me.

But nothing.

My heart is fucking pounding in my chest. I knock a little louder and this time I call out to her, “Meghan?”

Still nothing.

I push open the door and I see her lying in the bathtub. I run over and watch her chest to see if she is breathing. “Meghan?” I touch her shoulder and her eyes open at the contact, and she gasps, sitting up.

My eyes go to her chest. I really fucking tried not to, but I can’t help it. They’re beautiful and my mouth waters begging me to suck her nipple into my mouth.

She screams suddenly and covers her chest. “What the hell are you doing?” she screeches, and I turn my head away so I’m only looking at her face.

“You didn’t answer me, I was worried,” I confess and hand her a towel off the small table next to the tub.

She giggles. “Got a full view of my tits too,” she says amused.

“Well, they were looking at me.”

She gasps and gently hits my forearm with the back of her hand. “That was not nice, Terror!”

I can tell that she’s not bothered in the least. “But they were.”

My dick is hard as nails. I just got a glimpse of her and I’m dying for more. Her eyes give me a look, and that look brings me to my knees, onto the floor beside the tub.

My hand glides up her neck slightly, cupping her jaw. “I’m going to kiss you, Angel.”

* * *


* * *

“I’m going to kiss you, Angel.” Those words do me in.

I nod. “Please.” Not even caring that I’m naked right now and he is so close to me.

He doesn’t hesitate a second later and kisses me hard. I gasp into his mouth, letting him take over the kiss.

His large hand swallows my face, moving to the back of my neck, bringing me closer to him. The water almost sloshes out of the tub from the rapid movement.

My body is hyperaware of how close we are and how naked I am. One move downward, and his hands would be on the most intimate parts of me.

My legs are trembling at the idea of being touched by him.

I lift his hand from the back of my neck gliding it down to the top of my breast, right where he can feel my fast-beating heart.

Breaking the kiss, I look back at his face and it thrills me to see him looking at me with such need, need I put there.

“You have my heart racing,” I whisper softly.

He smiles. “Feels like mine.”

I lean forward and rest my forehead against his shoulder. The water is cold at this point and the cool air from the bedroom starts to seep into the bathroom.

I shiver and he sits back grabbing a towel. “Let’s get you out.”
