Page 60 of Terror

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After a few minutes, my legs are shaking, and I don’t even bother holding myself up. Terror’s eyes never leave me from below, makes it all the more erotic.

He spears me with his tongue, and that’s all it takes. I fall forward resting my head on the headboard trying to breathe.

I reach behind me and grip Terror’s cock; he’s hard and angry, waiting for me. I slide off his face, make my way down his body and slip him inside me.

He curses, sitting up until we are chest to chest, and kisses me fiercely. I can taste myself on his lips. “I could live inside you for the rest of my life.”

I throw my head back, rolling my hips, sinking and bringing him deeper inside me. His size makes me so full, at times wondering how he fits. He’s an addiction I don’t ever want to quit.

He lifts me until I’m lying on my back with him over me. I open my legs wider to wrap them around the back of his butt and bring him in deeper.

No matter how many times we have sex, the feeling of him will never grow old. I want him more and more.

My fingernails run down his back, feeling the muscles work as he moves inside me, owning my body.

“I want you to come,” he growls in my ear. He snakes his hand between our bodies where he pinches my clit hard. My teeth clamp onto his shoulder, so I don’t scream loudly and wake the girls.

“Fuck,” he groans in my ear. There is nothing better than listening to a man fall apart on top of you and knowing that you’re the reasoning for that.

“I want to end every night with my head between your legs or my cock buried deep inside your body.” He presses a lazy kiss to my cheek as he eases out of me and walks into the bathroom.

I throw my arms above my head stretching, feeling relaxed. One thing I have zero doubts about is the way he loves my body. He worships the ground I walk on.

He has a warm washcloth in his hand and takes great care to clean me. “Let me fix your hair.” He helps me sit up and braids my hair down my back.

He pushes my hair over my shoulder and kisses the spot where my shoulder meets my neck. I yawn scooting up the bed until I’m lying on my pillow. I turn up the baby monitor even more in case they need us.

Terror comes back, slipping on a pair of sweats and I fix the shirt that I never managed to take off during this whole ordeal.

He turns off the light and pulls me across the bed until my back is pressed against his front. “Good night, my love.”

I groan and roll over expecting to lie on Terror’s chest, but I feel the mattress and it's still warm but nobody is there.

I sit up with one eye open to see if he is in the bathroom but he’s not and the bedroom door is open.

I climb out of bed, yawning and walking out of the bedroom to see if Terror went to the girls.

The door is slightly ajar, I peek my head in. Terror is holding both of the girls, one on either of his shoulders, tucked in with a blanket around them. “What happened?” I ask softly so as not to wake them in case they’re asleep.

I sit down beside them, and see Josie is fast asleep. “I think they’re missing their parents. I heard them crying over the monitor,” he says quietly.

That breaks my heart a little. “I will help you lie them down.” I reach over and take ahold of Skylar, making sure to keep ahold of her head so it doesn’t jostle.

Then he lies Josie down and they roll toward each other, cuddling. “Isn’t that the most precious thing you have ever seen?”

I tuck them in and their little eyes are closed, peaceful like little angels. Terror helps me off the floor, and we walk back into the bedroom. The clock reads five o’clock in the morning.

“What time is my appointment to see the doctor in town?” I ask, closing my eyes the second my head hits the pillow.

“It’s at ten. You need to rest. I can get the girls ready for Naomi in a few hours.”

“I want to make them breakfast,” I counter, and he lets out a rough sigh, cuddling me back into his side, using his arm as a pillow. “Want to make you breakfast too.” I yawn for the tenth time since I woke up.

He doesn’t make a peep. I know he won’t wake me. I will have to on my own if I want to prepare breakfast.

I reach over and take my phone from the nightstand to see if there is any news on River and Julia. I see a picture of Julia holding a baby. “Oh my God, Julia’s baby is here!” I show him the picture and touch the small baby on the screen.

He chuckles and takes the phone. “The baby will be there when we wake up.”
