Page 14 of Gavin DeLuca

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“Can’t tell you. You know how that goes.”

“Yet, I’m supposed to believe your words,” I scoffed.

He scooted to the edge of his chair. “Come on, Gavin, I shouldn’t be here telling you shit. But I hear you about to marry Xavier’s fine ass bad...his beautiful sister. Thought you might want to know her peeps are in danger.”

I nodded. “Any idea when?”

“It’s going down before your wedding. After you marry into their family, St. James just became untouchable.”

“Is it the government or the mafia?”

He just stared at me, unblinking.

I stood up, needing to call my brother. “Is that all?”

Lil Tate rose, too. “Yeah. Listen, I’ll keep my eyes on the street.”

“You need more protection?” I asked as I shook his hand. He took a risk coming here, and I would do what I could to protect him.

“Naw. I’m good.”

“Does Xavier know?”

His lips curved into an ironic smile. “I came here first because Xavier might kill me before I finish my statement. We still got beef because I left his crew for music.”

I shoved my hands in my pants. “Then why protect him?”

“Because he still my people, and he could’ve killed me when I left, but as you can see, I’m still here.”

“You have my personal cell number, which is a clear line if you need to talk to me directly.”

“Say less. See you, Gav. We can talk about my upcoming album the next time we meet.”

“Sure. Set up a meeting with Connie.” I immediately picked up my landline.

“Brocco? We need to call a meeting with Xavier now.”


“Probably. I got some new intel that an ambush against St. James is inevitable. All I know is it’s Mafia.”

“Xavier will explode.”

“He will. But we have to find a way to work together to mitigate the shit that’s about to hit the fans once Xavier hears what’s going down.”

“We should go with my plan. Xavier wants him dead anyway.”

“Then the St. James Empire will tumble.”

“Protect Storm and let the Empire crumble if that’s what’s supposed to happen. And we will reap the benefits and get us a seat at the head of the commission’s table with Manhattan and Harlem in our pocket.” He sounded gleeful about the possibilities.

“You know I don’t care about a seat at the head. Just want to make sure our families remain intact. Between us, Xavier and Pierre, maybe we’ll figure out a solution to take Brazino out without causing a fucking bloodbath.”

“Alright,” he conceded quicker than I thought he would. “Am I calling the meeting?”

“Yes. Don’t want Xavier to think it’s about Storm. Plus, Xavier likes you better than me.”

“You mean he hates me less than you.” He chuckled. “Done.”

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