Page 31 of Gavin DeLuca

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“Why, because you’ve been feeding them lies? Making them believe it was St. James or I was a coward?”

He sneered, “That’s why Big Tony is no longer here. Trying to divide us more than we already are.”

I took the butt of my gun and slammed it twice on his knuckle that rested on the console. He yelled and rubbed his quickly swollen hand while I threatened, “I swear to God, I will kill you if you touched a motherfucking hair on Big Tony’s head.” Brocco’s nostrils flared, and his chest heaved as I pointed my gun in his face. “You divided us. Not Big Tony. You did that before anyone else even had a chance. I looked up to you because you always took care of me. Watched over me. I hated that I was chosen to be Don by our deceased father because I lost you as a friend and a big brother. How could you forget how much I meant to you or how much I love you?”

Brocco spit out, “When you’ve been told your whole life that you’ll be Don one day, and then when it’s your turn, it’s given to your baby brother? My baby brother, who everyone always seemed to love more than me. Fuck, even I was mesmerized by your curls and your beauty.”

His eyes teared as he punched the air with his injured hand. “What was I supposed to do, huh? Jump for joy that after all I did, you get the throne and not me, the rightful heir as the oldest son. Can you even comprehend the embarrassment? I’m the first oldest son of a don who didn’t inherit the throne of the five families. In my wildest dreams, I never thought that I wouldn’t be the Boss of Brooklyn. The bastard knew to make his choice in the will after his death so he wouldn’t have to confront me.”

“You made me your enemy.” I quietly said, refusing to forgive any of his actions.

“’s not true. You made me your enemy.” He looked down at the gun in my lap, still pointing at him. “I’ve always loved you. Loved that you had a violent streak. Loved that you weren’t an angel as the world perceived you to be. I groomed you to be my second in command, and we would rule Brooklyn and eventually the five boroughs. Everything I ever did was a calculated move to earn your undying loyalty. And when they gave you my throne, you could’ve bowed out and told them I was the better choice. You said nothing. Simply took over and led the way you wanted, disregarding me. I could see it pained you to make decisions I didn’t want, yet you did anyway because as much as I wanted to believe I could rule even under your command, you were the Don.”

“I am the Don. I am still the Don,” I reminded.

He pointed out. “The commission hasn’t decided.”

“Then come with me. I’ll tell them what I did, and if they want to get rid of me, I’ll make a plea for you to take my place.”

“They might kill you, Gavin.”

“I would rather die than be perceived as a coward. It would look like we’re a unified front and make them more likely to choose you if they want me to step down or kill me. It’s what you wanted anyway, right?”

Brocco’s thick brows furrowed. “I didn’t want you dead. Just wanted your position.”

Liar. “If I maintain my position, if I promise to listen to you more, allow you to decide which territories you want to run, can we be the brothers we used to be?” I asked though I knew that his actions made that impossible. Still, I had to make peace if I wasn’t allowed to kill him.

He clenched his jaw. “Allow?”

“Semantics. I don’t know what other words to use. I am still the Don. I didn’t want it, but I believe in tradition, and it’s mine. When we meet before the commission, I hope in the end, you’re at peace with the decision, too.”

Brocco relented. “Alright.”

“I’m calling a special commission for tonight.” I hit the button in my car. “Call Carlos Lugiana.”

He squeaked, “Wait, tonight?”

“Why wait? We need to get back to business whether it’s me or you in charge.”

Carlos answered, “Who is this?”

“Gavin DeLuca.”

“Gavin? Are you back?” He sounded surprised.

“Yes. I need you to call a special commission tonight for seven. Get at least the voting majority in attendance. Brocco will be with me, and we want to tell our story and let the families decide my fate. It’s time we get moving again. Money doesn’t wait for anyone.”

“Agreed. I will see you at the warehouse.”

I ended the call and raised a brow at Brocco. “The warehouse.”

“Gavin, you know what happens there?”

“I do. Told you I’m prepared to die if that’s what it comes to.” The meetings were usually held at an Italian restaurant owned by Lugiano in The Bronx. The warehouse located in Manhattan meant that someone may die during the meeting, and the body could be easily disposed of in the nearby East River.

He regarded me and slowly nodded. “Okay. I’m there.”

“What did you do with Big Tony?”
