Page 183 of June First

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But I changed my mind.

And Brant has no idea. He has no clue that my father is driving me to the airport in an hour and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.

I don’t know when I’ll ever see him again.

The pain is wretched. Truly excruciating. This decision was hard enough, but not having a chance to say goodbye to the boy I’ve loved since my heart learned how to beat?

Tears stream down my flushed cheeks. Aggie is tucked under my right arm while I pull the suitcases toward the front door.

And that’s when the key jiggles the lock, and I freeze.

The door pushes open.


It’s Brant.

“Oh…” I’m not sure if it’s a word or a sound or simply pure relief. I drop the luggage and my stuffed elephant and dash into his arms, nearly knocking him off his feet. “God, Brant…I didn’t think you’d come. I almost couldn’t go through with it.”

Emotion seizes me. My arms cling and my chest squeezes.

“Where are you going?” His voice is frayed and broken as he lifts his arms to envelop me in a gentle embrace. “Your bags are packed.”

He sounds so distant and far away, like he’s already checked out. I draw back, my face a mess of grief. “I–I wanted to talk to you about that. You’re usually off at four on Wednesdays, and it’s almost seven. I don’t have much time.”

Brant swallows, drinking in my tears and packed suitcases. A frown mars his brow. “You’re moving out?”

My head shakes slightly. “I–I’m moving to New York. Indefinitely.” I watch his eyes flare with a mix of astonishment and dismay. “My flight leaves at ten fifteen.”

Silence coils around us, thick and suffocating.

Brant just stares at me as if he’s waiting for the punch line. His hands curl at his sides while his jaw grinds, but he says nothing.

A panicked whimper tickles my throat. “Say something, Brant. Talk to me.”

He blinks, then refocuses his gaze to the left. His expression is pure heartbreak.

“Brant, please—”

“Okay,” he whispers softly, nodding his head as his eyes glaze over. “Okay.”

My breath hitches. “Okay?”

“Yes. It’s the right call.” He clenches his fists, staring off over my shoulder. “You should go.”

Tremors ripple through me, causing my limbs to tremble.

It’s so easy.

He’s letting me go so easily, like I’m nothing more than water in his palm.

“That’s it, then?”

He still won’t look at me. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “I’ve been spinning my wheels trying to figure out what’s best for you, June, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion,” he says. “And it’s not me.” He glances down at his feet, his biceps twitching and flexing, riddled with tension like it’s taking all his effort to remain composed. “I just… I thought we’d have more time.”

“I’m sorry… I know it’s sudden, but Dad booked me—”

He closes his eyes with a sigh, dipping his head. “Don’t do that. You don’t need to justify something I already know is right.”
