Page 13 of The Crush

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“Sure you do. Spill.”

“There’s nothing to spill.” I try to deflect.

She just rolls her eyes at me.

“How long have we known each other?”

“Too long,” I mutter.

She reaches out and tugs my hair. I pull away from her. She just looks at me expectantly.

“There’s this guy,” I admit.

“Oh? I haven’t heard those words in ages!” She perks up before her face falls. “Oh. You wouldn’t be so pissy if it was going well, huh?”

I shake my head.

“I barely know him,” I say. “But there’s just this connection, Mags. Or I thought there was. We were supposed to go out on a date, and I was really looking forward to it.”

“Where did you meet him?”

“The subway,” I say with a smile. “I tried to get my courage up for three weeks before I even talked to him. Then we met up every morning, and the more I got to know him, the more I liked what I saw. He just… shines.” I groan. “I’m being an idiot.”

“You’re sweet,” Maggie says. “What happened?”

I shrug.

“I don’t know. I asked him out. He seemed really into me and excited about the date. I gave him my phone so he could put his number in, then I got distracted, and I got off at my stop and forgot my phone with him and… Now I haven’t seen him in a week. I called my phone, and it turns out it was dropped off at the MTA Lost and Found, so I got my phone back, and I have August’s number now, but he isn’t picking up his phone. He just cut off all contact out of the blue.”

Maggie hums thoughtfully.

“You think he’s all right?”

“Fuck if I know. He picked up the first time I called him, since he didn’t have my number, so he didn’t know it was me. As soon as I said my name, he hung up.”

Maggie considers it for a second.

“Fuck him,” she then says. “It’s his loss. You’re a fucking catch. I’d totally claim you if I was single.”

I chuckle.

“Too bad Lottie got to you first and took you off the market.”

“Yeah, and then she trapped me with a kid. God! Women these days are so clingy!”

I can’t help but laugh as Maggie grins. She and my sister were childhood sweethearts. They met in kindergarten, fell in love in high school, and have been disgustingly happy ever since.

“You’re coming to Ben’s party, right?” Maggie asks.

“Dude, my nephew is turning five. You bet your ass I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for anything. Plus, Milo has already picked out the gift he wants to give Ben. Apparently the two of them have been talking, and Ben gave him all the instructions.”

Maggie laughs.

“He has a very long list.” She looks at me thoughtfully for a few seconds. “Ben’s soccer coach is a really nice guy. I could invite him to the party, too?”

I shake my head.

“No. I think I’m done with dating for a bit.”
