Page 33 of Brutal King

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Normally, I’d be thrilled with the assortment, but every beautiful flower is tainted. I can’t even look at them without seeing Nico. And the gorgeous mobster is the last person I should be thinking about right now. Or ever.

I flip through my text messages and scowl when I land on the dozens of unanswered ones I’d sent to my best friend. I’d never seen Rose so mad. I would give anything to go back in time. I never should have gone home with Nico that day, or any day for that matter.

Rose had offered Dante’s men’s protection countless times, but I never felt as safe as when Nico’s looming presence filled my home.

I shoot off one more message apologizing, filled with emojis, and wait.

No response.

With a huff, I lift the phone to my ear and call my boss back. “Hey, Karen, sorry I missed your call, I was in the bathroom.”

“No worries, Maisy. I was just checking in before I head out for the day. How’s your ankle?”

Leaning the crutches against the counter, I set my foot on the floor and place some weight on it. “It’s feeling better, thanks.” Just a few more days and I’ll finally be able to go back to work. I never thought I’d be so happy to be stuck in my tiny office.

“Great, glad to hear it. I miss having you around to give the new client tours.”

“I miss them too.” Nothing else gives me a better excuse to check out the hot, sweaty men working out. Mesmerizing blue eyes cocked over a bare tattooed shoulder fill my vision, and my pulse escalates. Ogling Nico Rossi had become my dirty little secret and favorite pastime. Long before he ever spoke to me at the park, I’d been watching him too. Purely as eye candy, of course. I’d never intended for it to go any further than that.

The click of the front door opening sends my head whipping over my shoulder. The devil himself fills the entryway, and I suck in a breath as I take him in. He’s in a dark suit, midnight hair pulled neatly into a tie at the base of his neck. But it isn’t his unfairly handsome face that has my breath hitching today, but rather the uncharacteristic, wild look in his eye.

“You okay?” Karen’s voice jerks my attention to the call I totally forgot I’m still on.

“Yeah, sorry. One of those annoying door-to-door salesmen just showed up.”

She laughs. “Okay, I’ll let you take care of that. Have a good evening, Maisy, and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Thanks, bye, Karen.” I press the call hang up button and slam my phone on the counter. “What are you doing here?” I dart toward him, completely forgetting that though my ankle is getting better, I can’t be throwing all my weight on it, and I stumble forward.

Nico lurches toward me, catching me before my knees hit the floor.

That musky, tantalizing scent fills my nostrils as he crushes me to his chest. My nose gets buried in his crisp, white button-down, and I get a lungful of the tasty mob boss. Oh, sugar, tasty? Really?

Get it together, Maisy! Pressing my palms to his chest, I try to take a much-needed step back, but Nico’s hold only tightens the more I squirm. “Let go of me,” I hiss.

“No.” His eyes sear into mine, and the remaining air in my lungs evaporates. “I need to make sure you’re all right.”

“Of course, I’m all right. I just tripped. It only happens about three times a day. It’s par for the course when you’re born with two left feet.”

The harsh lines of his face soften, and the hint of a smile flashes across his scruffy jaw.

“Also, you need to give me my key back. You can’t just come in and out of my house as you please.”

“Why not? I’ve been doing it all week, and you haven’t seemed to mind one bit.”

My jaw drops, and I stare horrified. “All week?” I squeal.

“Mmm. I find watching you sleep very relaxing.”

“Nico!” I swat at him and regret it instantly. It’s like smacking a brick wall. “You know I could have you arrested for breaking and entering?”

“But I didn’t break, I have a key.” He jingles the key ring an inch from my nose. “And as far as entering… I hope you’ll allow me entrance into that sweet little pussy soon.”

Heat surges up my neck, coating my cheeks in fire.

Nico steps closer, and I stagger back. “Today would work,” he purrs. “The rest of my calendar just opened up.”

“In your dreams,” I murmur as the heat across my face dives further south.
