Page 36 of Brutal King

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“Maisy, relax.” I step closer and she takes a step back, then another until she hits the door that leads to the patio.

“Maybe this was a mistake?—”

Closing the distance between us, I press my finger to her lips. “It wasn’t. You and I belong together.”

“Nico, when you say stuff like that, it makes me want to run away screaming. Can you just not be so intense?”

A flicker of amusement tugs at the corner of my lip. I love how honest and genuine she is. Every woman I’ve come across since the success of Gemini Corp has been nothing but plastic smiles and forced flattery. Their only interest lies in my bank account or my new connections to Manhattan’s elite. Maisy doesn’t care about any of that, and I’m certain of this because I’ve watched her for months.

“I suppose I can try,” I finally mutter.

“Okay.” She looses a breath and leans against the back door.

A red dot dances across her hair, nearly invisible within the deep auburn strands. Fuck! “Maisy!” I drop my glass and lunge before I have time to process what’s happening. My arms wrap around her body, slamming her onto the floor. Her glass of wine crashes down along with us, spilling deep crimson liquid across the marble. My hand covers her head as I wait for the gunshot, my heart lodged in my throat.

“Nico, what the heck?” Maisy grumbles beneath me.

“Stay down.” My entire body is tense, my muscles straining as I blanket her petite form. Endless seconds pass, and then nothing.

“Can you please get off me, you big beast? I can’t breathe.”

“No, not until I’m sure it’s safe.”

“Safe from what?” she cries.

Cazzo. Had I imagined it? I know what I saw, or does my little fox have me so twisted up I’m seeing things now?

Straightening my arms, I slowly push up off the floor. “Stay down,” I growl as Maisy starts to move with me.

“Bossy butthead,” she mumbles under her breath.

I kneel by the door staying just under the glass pane that makes up the top half of the door and push aside the sheer curtain. Scanning the neighboring brownstones, I search for the muzzle of a rifle peeking through one of the windows facing into the patio. Then I survey the rooftops.


Fuck. I heave out a breath and press my back against the door. Raking my hands across my face, I squeeze my eyes closed. These sleepless nights are starting to get to me.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Rubbing my eyes to force the haze away, I focus on the woman splayed out across the marble floor. “I thought I saw something.”

“Like what?” She props her elbow on the pristine marble and leans her chin on her palm staring up at me.

A sniper’s mark. But I can’t force the words out because they sound too insane. And if it were true, she’d be terrified.

“A shadow or something, walking by the door,” I blurt.

“In my backyard?” She lifts her gaze to the window, eyes wide.

“I must have imagined it because there’s no one there.”

“Are you sure?” That flash of fear across the lively emerald is like a punch to the gut.

“You’re safe, Maisy. I swear.” Bending down, I offer my hand. She eyes it for a long moment as if a simple touch could destroy her. She’s not wrong.

When she’s finally on her feet, she glances down at the mess of broken glass and puddle of wine. Her dress is splattered in crimson, and I blink quickly, forcing away the dark images that rise to the surface. Blood covering her from head to toe, not wine.

If anything had happened to her…

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