Page 70 of Brutal King

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“I’m pleased we were able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement.” I offer Esmeralda my hand across the pale teak table. Jimmy stands ever at attention beside the sliding glass doors off the veranda. The relaxing sound of waves crashing along the shore behind Esmeralda’s house has done wonders for my mood in the past few hours. Allowing Marco to return to New York on the jet first was a stroke of genius. The two-hour plane ride would’ve been unbearable together. Now, I can already feel a sense of calm soaking through my body.

“Yes, me too, Nico. I hope that the stability you desire in Manhattan will soon come to be.” She crosses her long legs and loosens the tie of her sarong. The head of the cartel wears a skimpy bikini beneath, accentuating hazardous curves. “Would you like to join me for a celebratory swim?” She ticks her head toward the azure waves and white sand beach rolling up to her back yard.

I slowly shake my head. “Unfortunately, I must return home as soon as possible. The jet should be arriving at the airport shortly.”

She tsks. “That’s a shame. I would have loved to give you a tour of my beautiful island.”

“Maybe next time.” I rise, and she leaps up beside me.

“Should you ever change your mind, you are always welcome in my home.” A mischievous glint sharpens her dark eyes. “And in my bed.”

Clearing my throat, I take a measured step back. “As tempting as that sounds, I make it a practice not to sleep with women my brother has already fucked.”

“That is also quite a shame.”

“Maybe, but I find it prevents potentially awkward situations.”

Her head dips, and she motions toward the glass doors that lead into the modern house. “Come then, and I’ll have my driver bring you and your man to the private landing strip.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Now that our affairs have been settled, the urge to get home to Maisy is overwhelming. I purposely let slip to Esmeralda about the waning feud with my half-brothers in hopes it reaches Dante’s ears.

I have no intention of reaching out to him myself, but perhaps, it’ll be enough to smother the powder keg in Lower Manhattan. The final issue I must contend with is Qian, and then I can solely focus my efforts on finding Jasper and making Maisy mine forever.




Sprawled out across Nico’s bed I stare at my phone, at the message I typed out over a half hour ago, and still no response.

Me: Rose, I need to talk to you it’s important. It’s about Nico and Dante.

Jabbing my finger at the call button, it rings and rings but no answer. Come on, Rose! The voicemail comes on, and this time I leave a message. “Rose, it’s me. I know you’re angry and you have every right to be. I never should have lied to you about Nico, but I know how to fix this. Please, call me back, it’s super important.”

With a huff, I hang up and toss my phone at the foot of the bed. Laying back, I bury my face in Nico’s pillow, allowing his familiar scent to smother the unease. Good golly, when had I become addicted to the mob boss?

I squeeze my thighs together, reveling in the ache still thrumming through every inch of me. It just wasn’t fair Nico leaving like that. I couldn’t believe how close I’d been to my first actual orgasm from sex. It had been incredible, mind-blowing and my gosh, I can’t wait for Nico to get back so we can try it again.

A silly grin splits my lips, and I can’t even hide it. Cheese and rice, I’m falling for my stalker. Who the heck am I kidding? I can try to deny it all I want, but I’ve fallen. I’m totally, butt-crazy in love with this possessive, psychotic, beautifully brutal man.

Oh, geez, what am I going to do now?

I groan into the pillow and think back on the choices that led me here today. Somehow, Nico was right. We were inevitable.

The creak of the front door opening sends me shooting straight up. “Nico, is that you?” I call out.

“Mmhmm.” His muffled response echoes through the large penthouse.

Oh, heck, the last thing I need is for Nico to find me moping around in his bed waiting for him. Which is exactly what I’ve been doing. I’m even back in a sexy, lace negligée. I’m about a second away from springing out of his bed to hide when my inner vixen takes the wheel.

She wants this. No, I want this.

Forcing myself to still, I attempt a seductive pose, propping myself up against the upholstered headboard. The slap of approaching footfalls on marble thumps in time with my raging heartbeat. I run my hand through my wild locks, in a last-ditch effort to tame the tousled auburn strands and hold my breath.

I blink, and Nico’s dark form appears in the doorway. He’s wearing sunglasses and a t-shirt and jeans, which is so at odds with his typical black suit. It’s late though, so maybe he changed on the jet on the way home. There’s something different about the way he looms at the threshold, darkness carving into his chiseled features.

“Your hair!” I blurt. The long, midnight strands are gone, replaced by a short, spikey do.
