Page 99 of Brutal King

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“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay, Mais,” Rose mumbles around the gag.

I lean into her as tears start to tumble free. God, I hate being so weak. I suck down the sobs and force my lower lip to stiffen.

“We have to stop getting into these messes,” Rose utters.

Despite the fear lancing through my chest, I manage a rueful laugh. At least last time, it was Nico’s hands we’d fallen into and even then, I’d felt a modicum of reassurance as I sat beside him in the backseat of the van. Now, I had no such protection.

My cheek stings from the jerk who roughed me up before he forced me to make that video for Nico. He must be terrified.

The car roars down the highway by the sound of other vehicles zipping by. But which highway or where we were headed, I have no idea. I draw in a breath through my nose, trying to still the mad pounding of my heart.

“Fucking Qian and the Four Seas,” Rose mumbles. “The Kings are going to destroy them for this.”

All this time, I was so worried about Jasper finding me that I’d never even considered another one of Nico’s enemies getting to me first. Rose and I had fought like heck, but in the end, we’d been overpowered by the Four Seas masked a-holes.

Dang it, I needed to brush up on my knowledge of the city’s seedy underground if I was to survive this relationship with Nico.

“See, I told you there had to be more to this engagement thing,” Rose mutters. She squirms beside me and without being able to see, I know she’s trying to get the ropes around her wrists untied.

“What do you mean?” I whisper, struggling with my own to no avail.

“Why would the Four Seas want us if they had brokered a successful deal between Nico and this guy’s sister?”

“Hmm, true, I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Quiet!” A man hisses. The voice comes from what I think is the front of the car.

“Don’t worry, Mais,” Rose murmurs, “Dante and Nico will come for us.”

My head dips before I realize she can’t see the movement with the hood over her head. “I know.” It’s crazy really but in spite of the fear coursing through my veins, a certainty ices the panic. Nico will come for me, and he will tear these men apart for touching me. A weird sense of satisfaction fills my hollow chest.

The car slows, and my heart rams against my ribs as it rolls to a stop.

“Bring the redhead to Qian,” a male voice barks.

“What do we do with the other one?”

“Just keep her out of the way.”

“Should I kill her?”

“No, you fucking moron. The last thing we need is that psycho Dante Valentino coming after us for murdering his wife.”

A wild cackle titters out of Rose. “That’s right, assholes.”

A hint of relief sets in at their whispered words. At least Rose will be safe. I guess it pays to be married to an infamously savage mob boss. The back door of the car swings open, and rough hands jerk me out.

“Rose!” I cry.

“It’s okay, Maisy, you’re going to be okay.” Her voice grows more distant, and that fear ratchets up.

Be brave, dang it, Mais.

I’m jerked down a rough gravel road, and my feet get caught up under me. I nearly keel forward, but somehow, the guy holding my arm keeps me upright. I struggle with the binds around my wrists as he hauls me forward, but they’re too tight.

The creak of another door swinging open sends my pulse skyrocketing. Where are we? And where is Nico? A terrifying thought squeezes the remaining air from my lungs. What if Jasper hurt him somehow? I mentally chastise myself, forcing away the dark thoughts. Nico can handle my sniveling ex. There’s no way he’d get the drop on him again. Right?

The slam of a heavy metal door swinging closed forces my heart up my throat. I nearly jump out of my skin, but my escort’s fingers digging into my arm keep me grounded.
