Page 24 of Lovin' on Red

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“Ready for the lake?” She motioned for him to follow, then pulled the hoodie over her head, stuffing her hands in the broad middle pockets. Her eyes reflected the porch light.

What a kid. Why did this diminutive woman make him think of family? He pulled his hood up and followed her. When she reached the bottom of the steps, she snagged his hand.

He laced his fingers through hers, urging his sulky leg forward. No way he would pass up this opportunity, even if his logical mind posted a TAKE IT SLOW banner.

Moonlight danced on the water. Rory’s frosty breath rose, then evaporated into the inky air. Harry spied them from a distance and created a ruckus of splashing, honking, and general disturbance. Water rats glided through the soft waves in straight lines.

Her earlier distress forgotten, Vi moved across the boardwalk with zest. Rory rubbed his hands together and blew on them.

She zipped back to him as he stared out over the water. “Hey, why are you going out of town?”

His lightheartedness spiraled downward. “Funeral. An Army buddy of mine.”

Vi’s face fell. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. Manny’s wounds were life-threatening. In one way, it’s no surprise. I hope he found peace with the Lord.”

Eyes widening, Vi said, “That’s the most important thing, right? Recovery didn’t happen on this side, yet Daddy looked forward to heaven and seeing Jesus. His perspective on dying helped me more than anything. How old was Manny?”

“Same age as Jess and me. Thirty-ish. Married. No kids.”

The nippy air reddened Vi’s nose and cheeks. “How sad.”

“Yeah, it is.” He tweaked her nose. “You’re turning into a popsicle. We need to head back.”

“Let’s say hi to Harry, then we can go.” She pivoted, trekking over the creaky boards.

The bushes nearby rustled. Hopefully, all skunks were elsewhere, safe and warm. Harry wheezed like he’d swallowed a chalky eraser. Vi talked to him, and the silly goose rubbed his neck around her legs. She held out her hand for him to inspect. He appeared to sniff, then nuzzled his head on her palm.

She gazed at Rory, her eyes shining. “I did it. Silas showed me how to approach this guy last night. Harry didn’t peck him, so I thought I’d try it.”

When Rory turned to head back, she followed. Her latest revelation about Silas distracted him. A teaching moment, huh? The fangs of jealousy bit hard, spurring Rory past caution. Yeah, she’d been delighted when he proposed a walk, and uber-cute the whole time. Could she handle more? Could he? When they reached their vehicles, he opened Vi’s car door, and she climbed in. Once her car heated up, he motioned for her to roll down the window.

He stared into her sweet little heart-shaped face, almost losing his nerve. He rubbed his hands. “Vi, when I get back in town, will you go on a date with me?”

The instant the words left Rory’s mouth, he knew they’d been a mistake. Those blue eyes, so full of light the second before, shuttered immediately. Her lips flattened. The hard edge had returned. But then her countenance softened the tiniest bit, which gave him a sliver of hope.

“I’m sorry, Rory. I’ll admit I had the wrong impression of you, and I’m glad we’re getting along better now. But—” Vi shook her head.

Rory stamped his foot to regain feeling in it. “Why not? We’re good together, Vi.” The desire he’d stuffed down barreled right past any reservations he’d had about asking.

Vi bit her lip. “I’m not good relationship material. Rory, you don’t know me?—”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

Vi’s eyes flashed. “What about Paige?”

Rory felt as if the same brick had hit him twice. First Jesse, now Vi. “What about Paige? I don’t understand why people keep asking me about her.” His real foot resembled a block of ice. The other leg screamed for relief. He bumped aside the discomfort and pressed on. “Listen, Vi. I don’t know what you’ve heard, but nothing is going on between Paige and me.”

“Could have fooled me. Apparently, I’m not the only one either.” Her frosty words competed with the air.

Rory detested giving in to the prosthetic, but the cold was wearing him down. “Let me get in the car with you. We’ll hash this out.”

Embarrassment swept across her face, and she almost relented. Almost.

“There’s nothing to hash out. Please, Rory. Let me go.” The plea in her eyes finally penetrated his senses.

He backed up. “We’re not done here, Vi.”
