Page 73 of Lovin' on Red

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It would be less awkward for them both if he slipped out the back way. Rory stepped into the reception area, and his breath stalled. Vi sat in his chair, peeling an orange. Her eyes were gentle as they met his. She patted the chair next to her. An invisible force pulled him forward, and he slid into the seat. She handed him half of the small orb.

She deserved so much more than mere thanks. “I’m a new man, Red. Sorry I was so stubborn.” He popped a slice of orange in his mouth, too wound up to enjoy sharing it with her or the squirt of sweet juice on his tongue. “Are we square now?”

“In your dreams.”

Her dry response made his lips twitch. “What’s next?”

“For starters, it’s lunchtime. I need a buddy to help me drink a chocolate-peanut butter smoothie.”

The desire to take her in his arms chafed at him. “Happy to manage it, Magic Hands.”

On the way to the deli, Rory stopped and stared at Vi. “My leg. It’s tons better, as in the limp is almost history. What did you do?”

“Your good leg overcompensated because the prosthetic doesn’t fit the way it needs to. Hence the limp. Things are back in alignment now. Your hip may ache for a day or so—it was pretty far out of whack.”

“You know all this in one hour?”

“Yep. Aside from getting the prosthetic looked at, regular massages will help keep things in balance.” A sly smile curved her lips. “Unless you prefer an off-kilter gait …”

His chest swelled as he tucked her arm in the crook of his elbow. “Regular massages? We need to negotiate a deal. How about you go out with me—regularly?” He playfully emphasized the last word, hoping his words weren’t too much too soon.

A deer-in-the-headlights look skimmed her face before she pasted on a smile. “Slow down, cowboy.”

Whatever you want.

When they entered the deli, Jesse waved, and Brenna pointed to the two empty chairs at their table. Rory ordered their food, and they joined them.

“What’s up, guys?” Jesse asked.

“I had a massage from the most gorgeous lady on the planet.” Rory gave a smug grin.

Mischief lit Jesse’s eyes. “Good goin’ bud. You out of the doghouse?”

Rory stroked his beard, appearing to think. “She’s already informed me we’re not square yet.”

“Oooh, you go, girl!” Brenna gave her a knowing look. “Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without Vi’s hands. After several runs, my legs start following her around.”

Vi smiled, sipping her smoothie. Rory resisted the urge to run his thumb across her bottom lip to catch a chocolate drip.

Jesse slid half of his second sandwich onto Brenna’s plate. When she made a face, he whispered in her ear. She picked up the half Jesse had given her, a smile playing about her lips.

A look of satisfaction crossed Jesse’s features, but he said nothing.

Rory observed the quiet exchange with interest. Nice going, Jess. He’d find out the details later. Maybe he could apply a nugget of wisdom to his relationship with Vi—instead of tripping into every pothole along the way.

They chatted until Brenna checked her phone. “Gotta run. Ha! Did everybody get the pun? Reports await me.” She grinned. “My boss insists on absolute perfection.”

A wry note arched Jesse’s brow. “Peeps definitely has an on-site perfectionist.” He looked at Rory and Vi and stage-whispered, “And it’s not me. She’s the one who obsesses over every little detail.”

Brenna and Jesse left, laughing and poking each other.

Rory watched their retreat and turned to Vi. “I’m green with envy.”

“Peanut-butter-and-jealous here too,” Vi said, then swallowed the dregs from her cup.

Desire pinched past Rory’s resolve to take it slow. He leaned close, inhaling the massage room fragrance still in her hair. “We could do the couple’s thing.”

“You’re a marvelous elixir, Rory.” Vi’s brows almost joined. She didn’t look at him. “Tiny sips of you are all I can handle, else I’ll fall flat on my face.”
