Page 88 of Lovin' on Red

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“How’s Vi feeling these days?” Jesse asked. He still wanted to move forward with a massage school. Once she got over her all-day morning sickness, she’d be on it.

“Mm. 9 p.m. is the new midnight, and as long as she’s close to a bathroom, things are peachy.” A note of pride rang in Rory’s answer. His excitement about her pregnancy helped to allay the fear Vi battled.

“Brenna’s already got a case of baby fever, watching you guys, and we’re not even married yet.”

Rory rubbed his gold wedding band. “Well, Jess, I have confidence you’ll figure it out. When you’re married, you go home after a long, grueling day, and the house smells delicious. Then you get greeted with a scorching hot kiss and”—He gave an elaborate shrug of his shoulders—“supper can wait.”

“I’m right here, Rory.” Cheeks aflame, Vi gave him her smelliest stink eye, but he only winked. He loved to wink at her, especially when he was guilty. Jesse avoided eye contact with her but flashed a grin at Rory.

Mom walked up, saving Vi from further embarrassment.

“Hey, Mama.” Vi clambered down from the barstool and hugged her. “Rory told me what the two of you have been up to.”

“I assumed he would, Violet.” Mom’s formal words were offset by the smile playing about her lips. Clad in a flowing eggplant-colored skirt with a matching blouse and sandals, she appeared relaxed. “I’m quite pleased with the way the situation has unfolded.”

“Thank you for finding a way for me to meet my son.” Vi leaned in until their heads touched.

“As if I had a choice.” Tru gave a dainty sniff. “Your husband would have taken Houston apart brick by shiny brick to find him. It just happened to be the route he chose. Rory reminds me of your father—the man could charm the rattles right off a snake.” Sorrow lurked from the depths of her eyes. “Thomas would have cherished his grandchildren.”

A tiny sigh escaped Tru’s lips, then she nodded in Rory’s direction. “The man adores you, Violet. I’m happy for you, even if the first time I laid eyes on him, he was kissing you in the hospital.”

“That’s when I became aware of his interest.”

“Yes, dear. Rory made his interest perfectly clear. And today, he’s exceptionally lit up. You’ve told him about our doctor’s visit.” Tru’s eyes glowed.

Vi couldn’t keep the grin off her face. “Of course, I did.” She squeezed her hand and their rings clinked together.

“Your dad and I always wanted you to be happy.” Mom cleared her throat to cover her shaky voice. “I believe you were going to give me the letters Thomas wrote.”

Vi hesitated. “They made me cry, Mom. Are you sure Rodney won’t mind?”

“Oh my goodness, no. Violet, I’ve told you before, Rodney loves me. We’re past any secrets between us. I’ll let him read them, and we’ll both cry. He respected Thomas.”

Mom’s sapphire eyes brimmed with emotion. Vi hugged her again.

She gazed around her living room, painted a robin’s egg blue. Rory talked to his dad and brother. Dad’s recovery seemed on point. He always treated her with courtesy and wonder, as if Rory had brought home a long-lost treasure.

Mark looked her way and winked—must be a Spence trait. He’d nicknamed her Gazelle and loved to tell how Vi had been ready to bolt that morning at the hospital. And how he’d saved the day when he escorted her in to see Rory. The story got a little bigger each time Mark told it.

Vi winked back. Barring any embellishment, running had been at the top of her list.

The short few weeks she and Rory dated, or tried to, were an epic rollercoaster. Honestly, it thrilled her the bumpy ride had ended.

Her stomach yowled in discomfort. She weaved her way to the kitchen for a cold drink. In a corner behind the large island, Tavo talked to Paige. The undeniable yearning on his face was painful to watch. Hmm. Nabbing a ginger ale from the fridge, she looked for Rory.

They smiled when their eyes met. Vi thoroughly enjoyed their private world. Rory beckoned her over, then tapped a spoon against a clear glass. The friendly chatter ebbed.

Putting his arm around her, Rory said, “We’re so glad you could come and see Vi’s Nest.” A titter bounced around the room at his pet name for their new home. “Feel free to explore and see all the changes.” He looked around the room with an infectious grin. “Recommend me to your friends and sign me on as Valiant’s newest home remodeler.” Laughter followed his comments.

“As happy as we are to have you here for the housewarming, I have other fantastic news to share.” Rory paused, his gray eyes lit with excitement.

Vi took a long draught of the icy beverage and fanned her cheeks. She’d disliked his theatrics at first. Now that she knew the person on the inside, she enjoyed his gift for livening things up. Better yet, once everybody left, Rory stayed. With her. They both loved being married.

“I’ll tell you what I heard earlier today. Are you ready?” Shouts of “Quit stallin’,” and similar verbiage reverberated throughout. Rory’s arm tightened around her. “Okay. My wife had a doctor’s appointment this morning.” He paused again as hoots filled the room.

“Everybody ready? This is what I know …” He raised his hand. With dramatic flair, he held up two fingers.

Whoops broke loose as the room erupted in cheers. The noisy response developed into a collective chant. “TWINS. TWINS. TWINS.”
