Page 120 of Huntress of Sherwood

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His fat balls swung and smacked into my clit and pelvis with every weighty, downward thrust. I gripped the air itself, trying to hold onto my sanity and failing. His arm tightened around my throat, and I abruptly lost myself and became undone once the air going to my brain dwindled down to a thin tunnel. The trickle of air wheezed out of my nose and mouth, and he continued to plow into me from above.

When John rested more of his weight on my body, another orgasmic spurt ran through me. There was something about the tight confines I’d found myself in—the immovability and gentle pressure on my neck, cunt, and soul, that made me feral and insatiable.

I lifted my ass and threw it into him. Again and again. Faster, harder, with rapid-fire thuds ringing out.

He grunted as I took control from below and kept gliding myself along his length, until my wetness was melding with his and driving us both to the brink.

His veiny forearm tightened around my throat even more, and my eyes bulged. Saliva drooled out the corner of my mouth, and I knew how silly I looked even though he couldn’t see my face from his angle.

I had certainly been woken up.

My eyes rolled wildly and my face flushed with an immense wave of heat that continued down my neck, collar, belly, and straight to my core.

I flattened myself on the cot and dragged my engorged, needy clit along the fabric for friction. He continued his rhythmic pounding, loosening his hold on my neck. A whoosh of air came flooding back to me with an intense sensation, like a tornado making landfall on an unsuspecting village—where my mind was the ruined village in question.

I yelled, crying out with pure bliss. The tops of his thighs dragged along the spooled bottoms of mine, and with his next thrust he throbbed inside me and stayed there, filling me with as much cock as I could take.

He sputtered inside me, pulsating warm jets of cum that invaded my system, and it triggered my own body to unwind. The pressure at my core burgeoned like the flames of a campfire. I shattered and burned in that fire, shaking and twitching with orgasmic ecstasy as he filled me and finally pulled out only after we had both come down and fallen from the highest heights.

He rolled off my back and ass and we panted and became lost in a tangle of limbs. Breathless, content . . . but never satiated.

His low voice curled along the nape of my neck. “Apologies for the rude awakening, little hope. One time isn’t enough with you. Hell, a thousand times isn’t enough. I waited far too long for this.”

I nodded with a soft snort of incredulity. “Never apologize for what you just did to me, Little John. Because God knows I won’t.”

Ten minutes later, we were walking hand in hand to the nearby river. It was a glorious morning filled with sunlight and Little John’s presence. The short distance we had to go from our tent to a bushel of weeds to hide allowed us to travel naked and unbothered.

I stepped into the river first. This far from civilization, the water was crystal-clear, untainted by the inhabitants and waste from any hamlets or villagers. The icy-cold chill that stabbed to my bones was the perfect juxtaposition to our white-hot morning affair.

We waded through the waist-high water around a bend in the gently running river, until there were enough flowers, trees, and undergrowth to hide us.

Then I giggled as Little John shot me a roguish smirk and dipped down to submerge completely into the water. A second later, his hands were parting my legs and he was squeezing his face between them to lick my cunt and nuzzle my clit.

I rolled my neck back on my shoulders, closing my eyes as the sun basked me in soft warmth while Little John performed his ministrations below the surface of the water.

Content . . . but never satiated.

His face appeared from the water like a vision, and he said, “Christ, girl, you make me feel like a man half my age.”

“With twice the experience,” I murmured, and then put my hands on his head and shoved him back down with a splash. “I didn’t say you could come up for air, soldier.”

Bubbles popped along the surface and I chuckled, keeping him down so he could lave and prod and—

“Robin? Ah, there you are, sister.”

A gasp tore through the very center of my body, erupting and nearly making me soil myself all over Little John’s face in the process.

Robert stood at the bank of the river, staring down at me with a slightly raised brow.

“B-Brother!” I yelled, and quickly barred my pert breasts with a forearm, while keeping my other hand stuffed firmly on Little John’s head. “Privacy, man!”

“Apologies,” he muttered, noticeably not turning around to give me said privacy, “but you looked so content basking in the sun that I was worried you’d fall asleep and drown yourself.”

The bubbles in front of me increased, popping along the surface in their hundreds, joined with a muffled sound beneath.

Oops, I thought, blinking. Can’t drown my gallant protector now, can I?

“Or was I interrupting . . .”
