Page 149 of Huntress of Sherwood

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“Be strong,” I mouthed to Maria without saying the words. With a firm nod, my eyes moved to show her what I needed her to do.

I hated putting her in jeopardy for my own escape plan. But what could I do? I imagined she was starting to think of the possibilities the key offered—what it could mean for all of us. If she wasn’t a rebel before I showed up, she was now.

The guard stationed inside the cart was sleeping again. Our time was limited. It’s either now or never.

From the riding bench just outside, muffled voices crept in. “We’re getting close. You want to stop off here, or the next marker?” asked the younger guard.

“Just up here should be fine.” That, from Carter’s father.

“Which one you gonna take tonight, Red? I’m thinking the skinny dark-haired one, first on the front bench.”

My chest hammered. I made big eyes at Maria and nodded. She gave me a nod, too, hearing the same thing I did.

I tilted my head around to face the three other girls on my side, and the guard at the end of the bench.

“I have my eyes on a special one,” said Carter’s father, or “Red.”

My nerves were frayed. I felt a tug on my hood. Maria was rustling around, and she moved quickly. Once the weight alleviated from my hood, I turned around and eyed her.

She held the key between her teeth, fear splashed across her face. If the guard woke up and looked over now, we’d both be dead.

We couldn’t move our hands more than a few inches off the bench, thanks to the rope binding our shackles in place. I was proud of her for using whatever means she had—her mouth, in this case—to get that damned key.

Maria leaned forward and dipped her chin, then opened her jaw. The key dropped onto my lap, and I squeezed my thighs together to catch it, making damned sure it didn’t sneak through and clank to the floorboards.

I had always been thinner up top yet bigger on my bottom half. For years I’d been insecure about my thicker thighs. Now? I thanked God for my build. The key didn’t slip through the gap . . . because there was no gap to speak of.

My hands slithered onto my lap and snagged the key. I winced and stretched, managing to angle it into the keyhole of my right hand—where the rope kept me bound—and then pushed the key in, holding my breath.

It slid in, fitting perfectly.

My stomach jumped to my throat.

I glanced over and saw the guard was slowly waking, rubbing at his eyes. Completely unaware, but not for long.

The key made a slight grating sound as I turned it. I timed it with our plodding carriage ride, and only turned the key once we were rolling over unsteady pebbles, which drowned out the sound. The shackles bit into my wrist, tightening from the circular movement of twisting the key.

The cuff holding my right wrist loosened.

My breath exhaled.

The cuff was far enough to slide my hand out. I didn’t do that. Not yet. I couldn’t give us away.

The carriage was rolling to a stop.

“This is as good a spot as any,” Red mumbled on the other side of the partition. “Less than an hour from our destination.”

I noted neither of the guards had spoken about where our destination was, specifically. They kept it close to the chest, and I was fine with that.

Because I didn’t plan on ever getting there.

Once I had my cuff loose enough, I took the key out and stuffed it under the cloak that covered my lap. The cold iron settled against the top of my thigh.

I had no idea what to do with it once I got out of here, because it would surely clink to the ground once I stood and would expose my escape attempt if anyone saw it.

Everything needed to go right for this to work. All I had was my wits against three armed, dangerous men.
