Page 43 of Devastate Me

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The whole time he spoke, his hand caressed the cheeks of my ass. It was more than just a touch though. He slid his fingers across the expanse of my backside, that still stung from the slap, and then he dug them into the flesh in such a delicious way I couldn’t comprehend why it felt so good. Oh God! It did, though.

“Well, do you think you can handle it?” He asked while giving my ass another delightful squeeze. I moaned while nodding my head. “Words, sweet thing. I need the words.” Another squeeze.

“Yes,” I whimpered in pleasure. If his fingers massaging my ass felt that good, I could only imagine how the rest of the things he had to teach me would feel.

“You can’t be with anyone else,” he warned.

“I already told you I have no desire to become my mother,” I sassed back.

“Good! Because I won’t tolerate that shit. From here on out, you’re mine until we decide to part ways. No one else touches what’s mine.”

“Does that go both ways?”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, Little Mary.”

I growled at him. That stupid name was meant to taunt me into submission. His use of it, on top of him basically telling me I couldn’t have anyone else while he could, revved up the temper I’d been missing for months. I scooted off his lap. “No.”

“What?” He seemed stunned stupid by that one word.

“I said, ‘No’. I told you I won’t be my mother.”

“And I told you that you won’t be because you won’t have anyone else.”

“If you are with other people, then that makes me just another one of your whores. The only difference is that you don’t have to share me with your club brothers. I won’t be anyone’s whore. Not ever.”

He looked away from me and sighed again so heavily I felt the shift in the air around us. His eyes narrowed when they came back to meet mine. Breakneck pinned me in place with that cool stare of his while he decided how best to answer me.

“I’ll try. If I can’t be what you need, then I’ll let you know, and you can go your own way.”

“I don’t want to lose my job with Kip when you decide I’m not enough to satisfy your needs.” I felt strong in making demands for myself, even if the words came out a little weaker than I would have liked.

“It won’t be a problem.” He crooked a finger at me. “Now, get over here. I need to make you feel better.”

I shook my head again.

“Fuck! What now?”

“You literally just had your club girl carried out of your room unconscious not even an hour ago.”

“Two, at least,” he tried to argue.

“And not too long before that you were with her and another woman. I can’t go there with you right now. Not today. My first time won’t be with someone on the same day they’ve already had sex with multiple partners.”

He stood so abruptly, I stumbled a step back, as he retreated toward the door once more. He wasn’t coming for me though. A point he proved when he grasped my upper arms, and bodily moved me out of the way, so he could go through the door himself.

“Go to bed and get some sleep. It’s been a long-as-fuck day.” He didn’t say another word before he was through the door and shut it behind himself. Once the door clicked, he yelled through it. “Lock this fucking door and go to bed.”

I locked the door immediately and then ended up silently wondering exactly what had just happened. For the next hour, I debated on whether Breakneck and I had come to an agreement or not, before finally drifting off to sleep. Figuring out my strange life would have to wait for another day. As birthdays went, my twentieth had been the worst ever, and sleeping the rest of it away sounded like the best plan possible.

Chapter 19


Frustration burned off me in waves as I left Virgin Mary in Kip’s room. That shit didn’t sit right with me either. She was mine. The infuriating woman should have been sleeping in my bed, not my club brother’s.

“You okay, Break?” Mitzi asked as I passed by her on the way to the bar.

“Fine,” I groused.
