Page 69 of Devastate Me

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“Yeah, well, same as. There’s no experience there, and truthfully, I didn’t even think I’d be able to get off because it was that bad at first.”

“Jesus, Break! What the fuck did you expect for a young woman’s first time, you nitwit? From everything Kip has told me, she was sheltered before her poor excuse for a family cast her out.”

“I knew it would be like that, but I’m saying I have a different kind of appetite and I don’t think she’ll be capable of sating it for a long while, if ever.”

“Then maybe she’s not the right one for you.”

“I can’t stop thinking about her and seeing the woman with Knox…” I shook my head, feeling like a fucking fool for admitting this much to a man I respected. I had to cut myself off though because I couldn’t admit that thinking of her with my kid – one we’d made together – made me want to get started on planting one inside of her.

“Then I suggest you get right with shit, train her up, and hope she likes your particular kinks. Otherwise, let her go in peace. You tear a woman’s heart out too many times and it can never be put back in place again.”

“Yeah, I hear ya.” We walked toward the main bar area of the clubhouse when Tripp held me back with his hand on my bicep.

“About Scout and the vote-” he started to say.

“What about it?”

“I don’t think Kip should be present for that meeting or the vote.”

“You don’t think he would want her as a member?”

“I can’t speak to that, but some things are bound to be said by the men who have had her. My boy is a strong motherfucker, but I don’t think he’ll be able to handle hearing what may be said and keep his sanity intact.”

I chuckled. “In other words, you don’t need bloodshed in church.”

“That about sums it up.”

“I’ll find a way to keep him busy tomorrow so that he won’t be there,” I assured Tripp. “How do you feel about bringing her in as a full member?”

“I got no problem with it. Wish I had felt the same back when Star was coming of age. Maybe then, I could have set my daughter to prospecting instead of losing her after a failed marriage bargain.”

I laughed at him again. “You are the fucking cautionary tale for what not to do with a club princess when she reaches age.”

“Shut the fuck up. Pretty sure you have work to do, keeping your woman here on lockdown, keeping my son away from church, and figuring out a contingency plan just in case video of you roughing up that corpse fucking clown makes the light of day.”

“When you put it like that,” I huffed as we both strode into the bar and immediately took in the unnatural quiet that greeted us there.

Tripp and I both glanced around at the subdued crowd of men and women and were both on edge as we tried to figure out what the mood was about.

“What the fuck is going on?” Tripp asked about the same time I noticed there was an open first aid kit on the bar.

Trench moved forward and came to speak to us quietly. “Your girl,” he said as his eyes met mine. “Kip’s nanny,” he clarified, obviously unsure if she was my girl or not.

“What about my girl?” I growled, ready to tear off to my room to go make sure she was still safe, sound, and asleep where I’d left her.

“She came out here looking for a drink or something,” Trench informed me, and my insides twisted.


Trench shook his head at me, as if he couldn’t believe he had to inform me of how stupid I was. He wasn’t the one who spoke up though. Instead, one of our club girls, Mitzi, was the one to tell me what went down.

“She came out in time to see you all loved up with Scout and then watched as you walked hand-in-hand out of the bar and down the dark hallway to Tripp’s office. Not sure if she knows what’s down that hallway, but if she’s never been, it stands to reason she assumed it’s a lot like that one.” She pointed back to where all of our bedrooms were located.

“Son of a…” I grinded out through clenched teeth, but Trench cut me off.

“That ain’t the end of it,” Trench warned. “Connie said some shit to her about being too virginal for you and that you had to get off somewhere else. I missed what Nova said in response, but Connie attacked after that.”

“What the fuck?” I yelled. “Where is she? Was Nova hurt? Why the fuck didn’t anyone come get me?”
