Page 52 of Surprise Me

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May 8th– three years later

“We thought there was more time. The boys went out to get something to surprise me.”

“Looks like they’ll be the ones surprised,” Mack said as he grabbed my bag for the hospital. “Come on, Sis.”

“What if they don’t make it there?” I whined.

“I sent out prospects looking for them and a few of the members volunteered too. Everyone else is going to meet us over at the hospital. Ratchet’s been on the phone with everyone since you called.” Mack grinned as we left the house and walked to my car. After he helped me inside, he threw my bag in the back and calmly dropped himself into the driver’s seat and headed for the hospital.

“You did all that pre-check in shit already, right?”

“Yes, I learned my lesson after Kip came a few days early.”

“Good because I don’t want to have to fuck another nurse in the closet to keep her from asking you stupid questions while you try to push a kid out.”

I laughed at that until another contraction slammed into me. My stupid brother really had done that. “Like it was a…” Shit. Another contraction. They were getting harder to breathe through and coming faster. “Hardship,” I finally finished, trying to tease him about the way he had distracted the nurse when I’d given birth to his nephew. “Need to hurry,” I ordered my brother who stepped on the gas.

“Whatever you do, do not have that baby in this car. My niece is not going to be born on the side of the road.”

“It’s just a shame it’s not nighttime, or I’d be tempted to ignore you considering what I’m naming her.”

Mack grinned. “I don’t even want to know why you think of the stars when you think of her. I haven’t been anywhere near that fucking gazebo since you announced her name.”

That really did have me laughing until it felt like I peed myself. “Oh shit! I just… No! Oh God. We need to hurry up. My water broke all over my car!”

“Going as fast as I can. Are you sure you didn’t pee on yourself again?”

“Hush up and drive!” I yelled as another contraction hit.

We got to the hospital just in time. My brother stayed with me the whole time, since my husband and our son had gone out for a gift that they’d be able to bring me and the baby once we were in the hospital. Tripp tried to think ahead, but just like her brother, Star decided to come into the world a little bit early and foil everyone’s plans.

Tripp had been there to see his son come into the world, cut his cord, and he had been the one to hold Kip first. It would have been nice to have him here for our daughter, too. Knowing he was with our son was just as good though.

It didn’t take long to give birth to my beautiful little angel. She managed to come into the world as fast as humanly possible, for which I was thankful, even if it meant that her father and brother had no hope in hell of making it to the hospital in time. Shortly after Star Cross Martin was born, we were moved to our own room to rest and recover.

Mack was leaning over me, talking to his niece about how he planned on teaching her to ride a Harley and rebuild engines one day when we heard the door open. No one came in, so both our attention was riveted on the door when we finally heard voices.

“See me sista?” Kip’s sweet voice asked.

“We’re gonna go meet your sister and take care of our girls, Son. They are going to be the most precious women in your life, like they are mine. You have to help me look after them and protect them until one day, you find your own old lady and then she’s going to become the most precious thing to you. I hope you’re as lucky as I’ve been and end up with an amazing woman, just like your mom.”

I glanced up at my brother with tears in my eyes to see that his reaction reflected mine. “Dreams do come true, Kimmy. I’m damn glad you got to live yours.”

“Your time is coming, big brother,” I told him as my two guys walked into the room with big smiles on their faces. Kip was holding onto a pink teddy bear for his sister while Tripp held a vase filled with pink roses and baby’s breath. Upon closer inspection, the bear was wearing a cut and on the back was printed: Property of the Martin Family.

The same club that my mother couldn’t find it in her heart to embrace was the one who filled us up with endless hope and started me down a path where all my dreams were coming true. “I love you guys,” I whispered as my husband helped our son hold his baby sister for the first time.

“Love you too, beautiful.”
