Page 82 of Offside Play

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Hot pressure coils low in my spine, and I feel a tightness in my balls that tells me I’m almost there.

“Want you on top of me,” I say, pulling out of her before my climax can dig its claws into me past the point of return. I reposition us so I’m on my back and she’s on top.

I line myself up and push inside her again. If I thought I fucking her from behind was bliss, being inside her while her weight rests on me, while her tits press against my firm chest, while gravity makes her hair feather over me, is a different level.

Summer bounces her hips with the motion of my thrusts. “Almost there,” she says. Her words give me permission to let go, rutting into her with abandon, letting that tight coil deep inside me swell.

Our orgasms arrive simultaneously. My eyes clench tight as it feels like the world shatters from the strength of pleasure slamming into me. I ride the waves of bliss with Summer’s body pressed tightly to me, feeling her own orgasm through her shudders.

I keep her wrapped in my arms as she comes down. Even though I’m flat on my back, I’m lightheaded. It’s like my head is swimming in the clouds. Pure, utter satisfaction beats through me. It’s never been like this with anyone else. Not even close.

Just when I think I’m so utterly spent that I won’t be able to stand up to make check-out on time, Summer lifts her head from where she was resting it on my chest and looks at me, an impish gleam in her eyes.

“We’re pretty sweaty. How about a shower?”

That’s all it takes to inject me with a new rush of energy. After disposing of the condom, I gather Summer into my arms and carry her to the bathroom, turning on the shower for us to get cleaned up.

I make sure to give her one more orgasm to tide her over during the trip back.



“What if I were a bird? With a really ugly beak?”

It’s been two weeks since Hudson and I got back from New York. Since then, we’ve been spending pretty much all our free time together. We haven’t talked about what exactly we are right now. It’s clear we’re a lot more than fake boyfriend and girlfriend purely for show, considering I’m jumping his bones every day. Right now, though, I’m happy to just go with the flow.

Two days ago, I sprung a very important question on Hudson while I was snuggling against him on my bed. I asked if he’d still like me if I were a worm. He said that if I were a worm, he’d fill his room with dirt for me, so I’d never have to go anywhere else.

I don’t know if it’s a good sign that my heart melted over something so downright ridiculous, but it did. Ever since then, I haven’t been able to stop asking him variants of the same question.

“Your beak wouldn’t be ugly at all,” Hudson answers with all the casualness as if I just asked him what he wants to eat for dinner. “I’d kiss it every day until bird-you realized how beautiful it really was.”

I’m almost embarrassment to admit how loudly his answer makes happiness hum in my chest.

Hudson and I are taking a hike on a trail a couple miles away from Cedar Shade. It’s secluded and beautiful, and we haven’t glimpsed anyone else for about an hour. The leaves on the trees are starting to grow colorful, and the air is heavy with the earthy fragrance of autumn.

“What if I were a more dangerous animal?” I ask. “Like … a grizzly bear.”

Hudson chuckles. “A grizzly bear? Have you been reading shifter romances or something?”

I gasp. “How do you even know that term?” I ask on a laugh.

Hudson shrugs. “The apps on my phone must be spying on my data, because ever since I downloaded that Hannah Harting book you talked about, whenever I try to watch hockey videos on TikTok, romance book videos keep popping up on me feed. What the hell is a fated mate, anyway?”

I double over laughing, wiping a tear from my eye. “I’ll explain it later, babe,” I say, straightening up and sidling next to him.

Babe. Without even thinking about it, the first term of endearment I’ve ever uttered to Hudson just fell out of my mouth.

Is he okay with it? It’s probably silly to think that calling a guy babe is a big deal after he’s fucked me silly plenty of times—but it’s another step, one I’m not sure he’s into taking. And a step towards what?

But if Hudson’s at all bothered, he’s certainly not showing it. Instead, he slings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. Being snug under Hudson’s muscular arm and pulled into the crook of his side is quickly becoming my favorite place to be. His masculine scent mingles with the fragrant smell of nature and makes something flutter in my chest.

“To answer your question, yes,” he says. “I’d like you if you were a grizzly bear.”

“What if I switched bodies with one of your roommates? With Tuck?”

Now that stops him in his tracks. He turns me with his brow high and questioning. “Tuck?”
