Page 10 of Broken Little Dove

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“You fucking bitch. You piece of shit! Fucking whore!” he screams, furious.

He’s back on me but this time his hands are around my neck squeezing. There's no air for me to breathe. I struggle beneath him, kicking my legs out and trying to buck him off me. It's useless. He lets go of my neck letting me inhale a sharp breath only to slam his fist to my cheekbone. I scream out and cover my face. Another punch lands on my hand covering the same cheek. My vision goes white and now I'm screaming, begging him to stop. Another blow lands to my ribs causing me to curl inward in pain.

“I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please stop! Please!” I scream over my tears.

Suddenly he’s gone. I open my eyes to see the other man pulling him off me and holding him back.

“Cole! Fuck, man, stop! Stop! Calm down!” he yells at him.

“The fucking bitch tried to stab me. Look at my fucking face! Look!” He points to the bleeding wound across his cheekbone and then looks back to me with pure hatred.

I shrink further against the wall.

“I'm sorry. Please. It won't happen again!” I offer.

“You're damn right it won’t. You're gonna pay for this! I've been nice, but you just ended that!”

Nice? He thinks he’s been freaking nice? If this has been nice, I'm not sure I want to know what's next for me.

“Where the fuck did she get this broken piece of a plate from, Cal? Huh? You being soft for her almost got me killed! Who are you trying to protect here?” He shoves his brother back.

“I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry man. Go take care of that,” he says pointing to the slice on Cole’s face. “I’ll make sure there's no other pieces around.” He honestly looks like he feels bad for him.

The poor excuse for a man, Cole, stomps up the stairs and slams the door shut. I now know his brother's name too, Callum. That information might be useful if I ever get out of here. But after what just happened my chances of escaping are even more slim.

Callum walks over to me. “Well, that wasn't a bright idea.”

“Just, don't. Please,” I say through sniffles holding my cheek.

“Are you going to try to stab me if I come closer or are we calling a truce?” He asks.

“Truce,” I whisper, feeling defeated and hopeless.

He goes down on his knees and reaches toward me. I flinch and he pauses for a moment before trying again. I let him. He moves my hand from my face and pushes my hair back to get a look at his brother's handy work.

“It’s not gonna look pretty in the morning. I’ll get you some ice to put on it.” He glances down to where I'm holding my stomach. “How’s your ribs? Do they feel broken?”

“Would you take me to the hospital if I said yes?” He frowns. That's my answer. “It hurts, but I don't think anything is broken.” I answer truthfully.

“You're lucky. Well, as lucky as one could be in your position. This could have been a lot worse. I suggest you don't try something like that again. Next time I might not be here to stop him. I don't mean to scare you any more than you already are. It’s just…” he pauses and sits back on his heels. “The brother I once knew doesn't seem to be in there anymore. He’s become pretty unpredictable and despite what you may think, I don't want worse happening to you.”

“Why do you even care?” I snap.

He shakes his head, pieces of his dark, wild hair falling to his right eye. Then he huffs out a breath and stands, looking around to find and collect any other pieces of the broken plate before walking back up the stairs without saying another word, leaving me alone in the dark with nothing but my bruises to remind me I'm still alive.

Chapter 10


“Do you need stitches?” I ask when I see Cole in the bathroom still tending to his bloody face.

He scowls at me. “Almost, but no. I’ll be fine. That girl’s holes however won’t be fine when I teach her a fucking lesson.” Then he storms out of the bathroom.

“I think she already learned not to pull something like that again. You can let this go.”

“Are you serious? Let go that she tried to kill me?”

“What do you honestly expect? We have her as a prisoner, you’re fucking raping her!”
