Page 16 of Broken Little Dove

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“Thank you.”

I nod and return upstairs.

I find Cole smoking a cigarette on the porch. I'm thankful he has kept most of his smoking outside.

“Lana would like to take a shower. I don't think that should be a problem,” I say to Cole.


“Lana. The woman in the basement.”

“Oh, the bitch has a name now huh?”

“Cole, cut the shit. Let her take a damn shower and get your grime off her.”

“She’s only gonna get more on her after anyway.”


“Yea. Whatever. Let her shower. But don't you take that chain off her leg. She can shower with the damn thing on. And if she tries any bullshit–”

“Yea, yea. I got it. Don't worry. I’ll be right back.” I say on my way down the front steps.

I get in my truck and head into town.


Callum unlocks the chain that’s connected to the wall but leaves it still attached to my leg like he did the time he took me outside. He wraps the remainder of the chain around his arm still giving me some slack and motions for me to follow him upstairs. I'm so happy to be leaving this basement again for something other than Cole wanting to take from me.

I step foot into the hallway. It's so much warmer up here and definitely much brighter. I squint and allow my eyes to adjust. I follow Callum past the living room and I see Cole in a recliner staring at us as we walk by. I quickly look away. We enter the bathroom and Callum shuts the door behind us. He leans into the shower and turns it on and waits to test the water until it's warm.

“Ok, I think it's good,” he says.

I stare at him. Waiting for him to leave. He doesn't.

“You're not leaving?”

“There's no way I can leave you in here alone. Cole would throw a fit. If you want to shower, this is how it's gotta be. Sorry.”

I guess it's better than nothing. I want to feel that warm water running over my body so bad. I button down the flannel and let it fall to the floor. I'm completely naked standing in front of Callum. He turns away from me.

“What? You’ve seen me already, right?”

“No. I mean, yea. Kinda. I've tried not to look.”

I can't help but smirk to myself about that. He sure is different from his brother. I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually related.

“I need a little more slack,” I say as I go to step into the shower.

Callum drops the chain onto the navy-blue mat outside the shower and moves to sit on the floor against the wall. As far as I can see, he hasn't looked at my body again.

I reach out and the warm water hits my hands first then I step further into the stream and let the water run over my face. It’s a mixture of pleasure and pain as the water pebbles down against my bruises. This feels amazing. I will never take a shower for granted ever again. I let a quiet moan escape my lips as I bask in this heavenly moment. I hear a chuckle. Apparently my noise of pleasure wasn't quiet enough. I almost forgot he was still in here.

“I take it, you're enjoying it in there.”

“Very much. I needed this.”

