Page 5 of Broken Little Dove

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I laugh. “You're twisted. But yea, sure. Go get someone to make us eggs because your cooking tastes like a rat's ass.”

We both laugh deep from our bellies then he tries to grab me into a headlock, but I manage to twist away too quickly. I've always been a bit faster than him. It came in handy during a lot of our playful physical fights.

As more weeks pass, I feel like I'm seeing Cole less and less outside of work. He’s always taking off and rarely home in the evening. I guess this is just adult life with the busyness and the individual pursuits that consume our time. Just living. Am I living though?

Most days I feel like I'm merely existing and not truly embracing life and all it has to offer. I’m just so focused on my brother that I forget about my own needs and desires. Maybe I do want a relationship, a deeper connection. Could I even be capable of that? Of love? It’s not like I’ve had the greatest examples of it. I was never even able to experience a mother’s love growing up. The thought of what it would have been like having a mother stirs a sadness in me, like a dark cloud hovering over my heart.

It's been just me for so long and I’m happy to have my brother back, but a deep loneliness is beginning to creep in, a feeling I have never felt before.

“Hey Callum, let's go for a drive,” Cole suggests.

“It’s eleven at night, why the fuck you want to go for a drive now?”

“I want to show you something.”

Now I'm intrigued. What could he possibly want to show me? I get up from the couch and put on my black hoodie and we head out for this mysterious drive. We get into town and pass Sticks & Stones and I feel thankful he doesn't want to show me anything in that dump. We drive further up the road and deeper into town. He makes another turn and then parks the truck in a dimly lit area.

“I found us a girl,” he states.

“What do you mean you found us a girl?”

“She's perfect, man. Just what I was telling you I wanted. Something new and fresh, not used up. And she's a total smokeshow. I'm willing to share because you're my brother. Otherwise I'd keep that tight ass all to myself.”

“Dude, I don't want to share a chick with you. My dick ain’t following after your dick.”

“Fine, you can fuck her first.”

“That’s not exactly what I meant.”

“Look, do you remember the first night we went to Sticks & Stones? I found you outside staring after some girl running by practically drooling.”

I didn't think he saw that part.

“Yea, what about it?” I say.

“I found her. I've been watching her and I’ve got her routine down. In about 10 minutes she’s gonna be rounding that corner right over there.”

I follow my eyes to where he’s pointing. My head spins. What?

“What the fuck are you saying? You've been stalking some woman?”

“That's exactly what I'm saying. Wait till you see her up close. I'm telling you, she’s perfect. Now listen, I need you to be the distraction. Then I’ll grab her from behind and get her in the truck. Here, throw this on.”

I look down to see a ski mask. What the actual fuck.

“Is this a fucking joke?” I stare at Cole.

He just stares back unwavering. “Cole! Tell me you’re fucking joking right now. We’re not kidnapping some girl off the street. Have you lost your fucking mind?”

He can’t be serious.

“Either I'm taking her with your help or without it, but it will be a lot harder without it brother and you owe me.”

He’s completely fucking serious. This is not happening. He’s talking about kidnapping. And then what? Sharing her, he said. Women throw themselves at him. Why the fuck does he want to kidnap one? Is this what he’s been doing every night? Why he hasn't been around lately? Stalking this girl, learning her routine so he can snatch her up at the perfect time? My mind is running wild.

Cole snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Callum, we’re doing this. I spent fifteen years of my life in prison for you. You’re doing this for me. I just need you to distract her, okay? That’s it. That's all you gotta do. Get her attention. Easy peasy. Now get the fuck out of the truck,” he growls then slams the truck door behind him.
