Page 6 of Broken Little Dove

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I can’t believe he’s guilt tripping me into abducting someone. What the fuck am I supposed to do here? I can't call the cops on my own brother. I can't let him risk doing this on his own and getting caught, and I clearly can’t convince him not to fucking do this.

I put on the mask and get out of the truck and follow him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I watch from the shadows as the woman I once stared at across the street comes into view once again. She nearly collides with Cole but catches herself. I hear her soft voice apologize as I step out into the path right as she turns and bumps into me. Our eyes meet.

Cole was wrong. She’s not just a smokeshow. She’s the most stunning thing I've ever seen. From her big green eyes to the barely noticeable freckles lightly scattered under her eyes and cheeks, her dark wavy hair tied up in a ponytail, a cute button nose that’s slightly red from the cool night air, all the way to her puffy, soft pink lips, every detail adding to her charm and allure. I am awestruck.

“I’m-I’m sorry. I didn't see you there,” her sweet voice says, making me weak.

She looks scared and my stomach suddenly turns. This was a mistake. Fuck. I should tell her to run.

Just as I finish that thought Cole comes up behind her covering her mouth with a cloth and his other arm wraps around her middle holding her arms down.

She looks to me for help. Desperation in her wide eyes, but I can't help her now. I've only doomed her. I look away as her body goes slack.

Cole picks her up over his shoulder and looks around quickly. He chose this spot carefully. Completely void of houses or any sign of life. One streetlight in sight and the rest is just a dark corner of the world perfect for his plan. He crosses the street to where we parked and throws her in the back seat of the truck and gets in with her.

“Drive. Now,” he demands as he tosses me the keys. I jump in the driver’s seat and get us out of there.

“Cole, we gotta stop and drop her off somewhere. Anywhere. We still have time to change this.”

“Callum, I love you but shut the fuck up. It's done. We did it. We’re in this together now. It wouldn't be the first crime we committed together,” he reminds me.

Fuck. I don't speak another word and continue the drive home. My palms are sweaty and my mind is panicking about how the fuck we’re gonna get out of this one.

Chapter 6


I park the truck outside our cabin and Cole jumps out right away swinging the woman back over his shoulder. I sit in the truck and watch him take her inside. I feel frozen. This seriously can't be happening. This isn't real.

I lean my head back and close my eyes wishing that when I open them this will have all been a terrible dream. A moment later I finally step out of the truck and head inside.

I find Cole sitting on the recliner beer in hand acting as if he didn't just kidnap someone.

“Where is she?” I ask.


“What the fuck man. Are you alright in the head? Do you hear yourself? Apparently you don’t give a fucking shit if you go back to prison,” I yell at him.

“If you keep your fucking mouth shut then we won’t be going to prison. Just relax man. Once we have some fun with her, I’m sure you’re gonna have a change of heart.” He smiles and cracks open another beer.

I can't help but just stare at him. I knew my brother was a little fucked up and pussy crazy since he got out of prison but this, this is on another fucking level. This is much darker. This is…Dad. I don't know if it was prison that broke the rest of him or if he always had this in him, but for the first time, I feel a sense of fear when I look at Cole. For him, for me and especially for that girl in the basement.

I leave him to pound his beers just like Dad did in that old, cursed recliner and I head down the hall to the basement door. I notice a shiny new deadbolt lock on it. I unlock it and open the door. I stand there a moment looking down into the darkness second guessing going down there. Then I flick on the light above the stairs and walk down making my steps as quiet as possible. Will she be awake? How long does that stuff keep someone knocked out for?

I reach the cement floor and look around. Off in the right corner is a small mattress, a bucket and…a chain. A chain that leads to a leg. There she is. Laying on her back with her face towards the wall.

He had this all set up. When the fuck did he get this stuff? How long has he been planning this? He somehow managed to hide it all from me. I can't remember the last time I went into the basement so I guess it makes sense. There’s nothing down here of use. Cole clearly took note of that and knew how perfect it would be for a prisoner. I shake my head and run a hand down my face. We are so fucked.

I walk closer to the unconscious woman and stand over her. Her hair is out of the ponytail and now covers her face. I squat down and lean over to push the strands away. She actually looks peaceful. My gaze falls to her mouth which is slightly open taking in air. At least she’s still alive. We don't need another death in this house.

Suddenly she stirs, moving her head to the side and scrunching her nose. She lets out a soft moan and then her eyes slowly open looking right at me. I freeze. She instantly sits up and backs up into the wall.

“Please. Please don't kill me,” she cries.

I stand and continue staring. Again, finding myself at a loss for words.
