Page 7 of Broken Little Dove

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She looks around and notices the chain that's wrapped around her leg and follows it to where it's locked and bolted into the concrete wall. She looks back at me.

“Please let me go. Please! I promise I'll forget all about this. I won’t say a word! I promise!”

Her tears continue to fall and I want to tell her how sorry I am. I want to tell her it's going to be alright, but I can't say a damn word. I slowly begin to back up, retreating to the stairs.

“Wait! Please! Don't leave me here! Let me go!” she yells after me.

I make it up the stairs, lock the door behind me and head straight to my room. I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I feel like I’m in a nightmare I can't wake up from. This doesn't seem real.

I was so happy to have my brother back and now my world has been turned upside again. I lay on my bed and close my eyes. All I see is her sweet face and those green, dewy eyes staring at me, begging me to help her. I grab the remote to my TV, turn it on and put the volume loud enough to drown out my racing thoughts. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

I wake up to find the sun hasn’t risen yet. I only managed a couple hours of sleep. I turn the tv off and head into my bathroom to take a piss. I wash my hands, splash water on my face and change into my gray sweatpants. I walk back to my bed and sit on the edge and put my head in my hands.

Suddenly I hear a girl screaming. It’s just loud enough for me to hear. My head instantly lifts up and I walk over to my door and stride out. I look down the other end of the hall and I see the basement door wide open.

Oh fuck.

I run over to it and race down the stairs nearly tripping over my own feet.

There Cole is with his pants undone and the woman pinned below him. He tears open her top and her breasts fall out. I push the thought away of how full and soft they look. He uses one hand to hold her wrists above her while his other continues to tug and rip at her clothes. He lets go of her wrists for a moment to finish getting her black yoga pants off along with the light purple underwear she’s wearing. She takes that chance to start trying to hit him anywhere she can. She looks so small beneath him. She doesn't stand a chance.

“Cole! Cole! What the fuck are you doing! Stop!” I yell running over to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder to try to pull him off. He snaps to me. His eyes dark and face distorted into pure feral anger. He looks like Dad.

“Back the fuck off, Cal!” he shouts and shoves me back with one hand.

I pull at my hair and begin pacing back and forth. The girl is still switching between sobbing and screaming and I feel like I'm about to scream myself.

Cole pushes her legs apart, spits on his hand and rubs it along his shaft then pushes inside her in one hard thrust. She cries out in pain. Her eyes are wide and she’s looking at me again while sobbing. I turn away. I can't stand to see this, but I make no move to head back upstairs. I don't know why I stay. Maybe I'm afraid he’ll actually kill her if I leave.

For a couple minutes more I hear the grunts and moans from Cole, the skin smacking, and then the softening sobs of the green-eyed girl. I know it's over when there’s silence.

“Your turn brother,” Cole says as he walks past me toward the stairs.

I feel fucking sick. I turn back to look at the girl. She’s curled into the fetal position, naked and softly crying. My chest hurts.

What have I done?

I turn from her again and return upstairs.

I hear the shower running in the main bathroom. Cole should know there's no amount of water that will wash away what he just did. I walk outside, into the woods and let out a scream into the dark cold night.

Chapter 7


The warm water of the shower falls against my face and runs down my taut body as I think about what I just did.

I just raped a woman for the first time in my life and I feel…I feel nothing. At least nothing when it comes to something like remorse or regret. What I felt then and still feel now is a thrill running through me. In my life of repeatedly being the victim to my father’s wrath, I finally felt powerful. I was in control, no one else. Adrenaline filled my veins and watching this girl completely at my mercy turned me on more than I've ever been.

Is this what dad felt when he would get rough with the women he brought home before fucking them? Is this how he felt when he would throw us around and beat us? I still hate the prick for doing that shit to his own kids but damn, the surge of complete dominance is like a drug. I can see how this feeling could become addicting. I'm already wanting more.

The image of the woman struggling below me and hearing her sweet voice begging me like I'm some God sends a quick twinge to my cock. Goddamn. I fist my hard length and begin to jerk myself until pure bliss overtakes me again.

The girl in the basement will come around, just like the women our dad had eventually came to enjoy his methods. Although, I don't think I ever want her to stop fighting me. The thought has me smirking to myself.

Fucking Callum better get on board with this. It’s already too late so he might as well enjoy it, enjoy her. I don't know why he’s acting all surprised like he’s never seen this type of shit before when our dad made damn sure we witnessed his way with women. I fucking got him the woman he wanted! If you ask me, Cal is being a little ungrateful.
