Page 8 of Broken Little Dove

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Chapter 8


The sun is finally up and I barely slept. I find Cole in the kitchen already up, in his work clothes and sipping on coffee.

“Seriously?” I ask.

“What?” He truly looks like he doesn't know.

“You're really going to act like everything is fine. Like last night didn't happen?”

“Oh it happened. That pussy is fucking tight.”

“Fucking Christ Cole!” I slam my fist down on the table. “You fucking kidnapped and raped a girl and she’s still locked in our basement. Do you honestly feel nothing?”

“I think you’re overreacting. She’s gonna come around and enjoy it. You’ll see. We just gotta break her in a bit. Then she’ll be cooking us breakfast with that sweet naked body just like ya wanted.”

“Wow Cole. This is not what I wanted, at all. This is so fucked. You're sounding a lot like Dad. So much for not wanting to be like him. He’d be so fucking proud of you,” I nearly spit out the words.

Cole jumps up and grabs me by the neck and slams me to the wall. We’ve gotten into our fair share of fights growing up as typical brothers do, but this isn't the Cole I know.

“Don’t you ever compare me to that fucking prick again!” He squeezes my neck further to make sure his message is clear.

I'm not going to fight him. Fuck. I’m hating him for what he’s done but I still fucking love him. He’s the only family I have left. I throw up my hands as a sign of surrender. He lets go, drinks the rest of his coffee and begins to head out the door.

“You carpooling to work with me or what?” he asks.

“Nah. I'm taking the day off. I didn't get any sleep.”

He eyes me for a moment. “Don't pull any bullshit while I'm gone,” he says then walks out the door.

I pace the living room for a bit before I make a decision. I quickly scramble up some eggs the best I can and make some toast. Doesn't look half bad I suppose. Then I grab a few other things and make my way to the basement.


I slowly wake to find myself still in this cold dark place, naked and sore. I cried myself to sleep last night after what that man did to me. He was the same bearded man I almost bumped into earlier that night. The one who smelled of cigarettes. I could still smell the stench of it mixed with beer on his breath as he held me down and forced himself into me. Remembering brings tears to my eyes again. I wipe them away and cringe as I sit up, still aching between my legs.

Why is this happening to me? It all happened so fast I didn't have time to reach into the fanny pack I carried on my runs and pull out my mace. Guess that smart idea of carrying some sort of protection on me was futile. I was so stupid. As soon as I bumped into the second man I should have just started running and getting my ass back to somewhere that wasn't so shrouded in darkness. But those eyes. Those shockingly pale blue eyes froze me in place for a moment. A moment long enough for the bearded man to grab me. I saw him last night down here too, without the mask that covered all but his eyes during our first encounter.

Twice he came down here. And twice he left me.

As far as I know he has yet to lay a hand on me. Then again, I was unconscious so who really knows. The thought turns my stomach. What else do they have planned for me? Will they kill me? Am I going to die here and no one will have any idea I'm even missing? Except Henry. Oh, Henry! He’ll wonder why I haven’t come home. He’ll starve to death. There's only about a few days’ worth of food and water in his feeding containers.

If I didn't quit my job then my disappearance wouldn't go unnoticed. Police would be looking for me. I could have been saved. The thought of having no one in my life who could notice I'm missing and go to the police sends me into a spiral.

I have to get out of here! I look around. There’s one small rectangle window high out of reach letting in very little daylight and then there's the wooden stairs leading to a door. Which, if I wasn't shackled to this damn wall I could probably discover that door locked so it wouldn’t matter anyway. There’s no way out of here. I’m so fucking scared. I put my head in my hands and begin to cry.

Suddenly the door at the top of the stairs opens. Light beams down illuminating more of this dank space. I shrink back further into the wall trying to make myself smaller, as if they wouldn’t notice me.

I slowly lift my eyes and see the man with the icy eyes come into view. I don't know if I should be relieved it's not the bearded man or more frightened. He’s wearing a white shirt that's tight against his chest and arms, black sweatpants, and white socks. His arms are full of stuff. He stares at me. Not speaking a word to me once again. He slowly bends down to my level and I see his face more clearly for the first time.

To say he’s handsome would be a gross understatement. He has a strong but slender looking nose, high cheekbones and facial scruff that covers a well-defined jaw. My eyes shift to his lips. They’re full with a defined cupid’s bow and the bottom lip is slightly bigger than the top. I shouldn’t even be taking note about how attractive he is when the asshole has me chained up in his damn basement.

I look back to his cold eyes and down to the stuff he’s holding. Then he finally speaks to me.

“I brought you some breakfast. It’s nothing special, some eggs and toast, but I thought you might be hungry. Here’s some water too. I can get you some coffee if you prefer though. And here’s a blanket, a pillow and a shirt you can wear. Is there anything else you might need?”

His voice is deep and smooth. I almost want to close my eyes to it and let it soothe me to sleep.

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