Page 12 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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Kuzar’s presence beside me was both reassuring and isolating. His words, though few, offered a glimmer of hope. “They will come around in time.”

I wanted to believe him, to find comfort in his assurance. But the chasm between me and his people was as wide and unbridgeable as ever. Yet, at that moment, his voice, deep and resonant, was a lifeline in the sea of silent stares.

“In time,” I echoed, holding onto his words like a talisman against the uncertainty that lay ahead.

The next day Veda led me through the labyrinthine caves, her wings fluttering like delicate moths in the dim light. We stopped before a small opening hidden behind a curtain of stalactites.

“This way." She crouched down.

I hesitated, peering into the darkness. “What is it?”

“A molting chamber,” she replied, her voice echoing slightly. “Gargoyles shed their skin periodically. It’s a sign of growth and renewal.”

My stomach churned with a mix of curiosity and unease. “Can I watch?”

Veda nodded, her eyes gleaming. “Of course. It’s a beautiful process.”

She ducked beneath the stalactites, and I followed, careful not to bump my head. Light by a few flickering torches lit the cramped chamber. In the center, a large, leathery skin lay crumpled on the ground, its edges still twitching slightly.

“This is it?” My voice was barely above a whisper.

“Yes,” Veda said, her voice filled with awe. “The old skin. Soon, Kuzar will shed his own and emerge anew.”

A shiver ran down my spine. The thought of Kuzar, my aloof and intimidating mate, shedding his skin like a snake, was both grotesque and strangely captivating.

“Why do you shed your skin?” I tried to keep my voice steady.

“It’s part of our life cycle,” Veda explained. “We grow and change, and our skin can’t keep up. So we shed it, and a new one grows in its place.”

I nodded slowly, trying to wrap my mind around this alien concept. “And it doesn’t hurt?”

“Not usually. It can be uncomfortable, but it’s not painful. And it’s necessary.”

I thought about my skin, the soft skin that I had taken for granted all my life. The idea of shedding it was both horrifying and oddly intriguing.

“Can I touch it?” I asked, gesturing towards the crumpled skin on the ground.

Veda nodded. “Of course.”

I reached out a tentative hand and brushed my fingertips against the leathery surface. It was rough, like old parchment. The faint remnants of Kuzar’s presence remained in a lingering warmth that made my skin tingle.

“It’s strange, but also kind of beautiful.”

Veda smiled. “It is. It’s a reminder that life is a cycle of change and renewal.”

I nodded, my mind still reeling from the experience. As we left the molting chamber, a strange sense of kinship emerged with the gargoyles, these creatures who shed their skin and emerged anew, just like the humans of my world shed their old lives and emerged into new ones.

Later that day, Veda led me to another hidden chamber, this one filled with strange crystals and glowing minerals.

“This is where we come to replenish our energy,” she explained. “The minerals in these rocks are essential for our survival.”

She picked up a small, glowing crystal and held it out to me. “Here, try it.”

I hesitated, unsure of what to do.

“Just lick it.” A mischievous smile played on her lips. “It’s like candy for gargoyles.”

I took a deep breath and licked the crystal. A wave of energy surged through my body like a jolt of electricity. My senses sharpened, making me more alive.
