Page 20 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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My heart swelled with a surge of pride, a sliver of validation amidst the harsh training. I was no longer the timid, frail girl from the human settlement. I was evolving into a warrior.

The settlement took notice of my transformation. The curious gazes of the younglings became tinged with respect, and even some of the older gargoyles nodded in acknowledgement, their prejudice slowly eroding.

Veda remained my steadfast companion through it all. She became my confidante, her tales of gargoyle legends and ancient traditions filling the silence that still lingered between Kuzar and me. We’d sit by the communal fire, our voices weaving through the night.

One evening, while I nursed Kuzar’s wounds, the weight of silence became unbearable.

Kuzar and I connected more than I never thought possible between a human and a gargoyle. It wasn’t the wild, passionate union of our mating ritual, but something deeper, more profound. As his steady breaths filled the silence, I allowed myself to hope that this bond could endure.

“We should spar, you and I.” The mischievous glint in Kuzar’s eyes intrigued me.

“We’re hardly a match. I’m a mere human, much smaller and weaker than you.” I grabbed his hand and traced over his fingers.

“You are stronger than you think. Come on.” He rose, and I followed to the training grounds. My body tingled in anticipation as I dressed for the match.

He moved with the grace and agility of a predator, his claws glinting menacingly under the harsh sunlight.

“Your injuries, be careful,” I chastised.

My words fueled him to prove me wrong. As the match began, I attacked with newfound confidence, my body responding swiftly to every feint and strike. Kuzar met my every move with equal force, his eyes blazing with a competitive fire I’d never seen before.

“You underestimate me, wife.” Despite my relentless assault, Kuzar remained unyielding, his defense impenetrable.

Sweat dripped down my forehead as exhaustion pulled at my muscles. Yet, I refused to give up, fueled by an ignited inner fire. I gritted my teeth and pressed on, unleashing a series of rapid strikes. To my surprise, Kuzar stumbled back, surprised by my sudden burst of speed. Seizing the opportunity, I pushed my advantage, landing a solid blow to his chest. He grunted in pain, his eyes widening in surprise.

“Kuzar! Did I hurt you?”

He grunted but smiled.

Time seemed to slow down as I stood over him, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t believe it. I defeated Kuzar, the mighty gargoyle warrior. A surge of exhilaration coursed through me, mingled with a hint of uncertainty. Did he let me win? The thought crossed my mind, dampening my victory.

Kuzar slowly rose to his feet, his expression a mixture of pride and amusement. “Well fought,” he said, his voice gruff yet laced with genuine admiration. “You have surpassed my expectations.”

I grinned, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. As I extended a hand to help him up, our eyes met, and in that moment, I saw something flicker in his gaze, something akin to warmth. It was fleeting, but it left me with a strange sense of hope.

“Thank you.” I sighed catching my breath. “I couldn’t have done it without your guidance.”

Kuzar nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “You have much potential, Evie. With continued training, you will become a formidable warrior.”

We stood there for a moment, the tension between us dissipating, replaced by a newfound respect. As I turned to leave, Kuzar’s voice stopped me.

“Evie,” he called out softly.

I turned to face him, my heart pounding in anticipation.

“You fought well today.” His eyes held mine. “You are a true warrior.”

A warmth spread through me at his words, and for the first time since arriving in this strange and intimidating world, I belonged.

With a surge of adrenaline, I lunged forward, catching Kuzar off guard. I wrapped my arms around his massive neck and locked my legs behind his, securing him in a choke hold. He struggled against my grip, his claws swiping at the air, but I held on tight, determined to overpower him.

“Give up, Kuzar,” I growled, relishing the feel of his powerful body straining against mine.

He growled back, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and surprise. “Never!” he roared, his voice deep and gravelly.

We grappled in the dirt, neither of us willing to yield. Sweat dripped down my forehead, mingling with the blood that oozed from the scratches on my arms. My muscles burned with exhaustion, but I refused to let go.

Suddenly, Kuzar’s resistance faltered. His body went limp, and his eyes fluttered closed. I loosened my grip, thinking he finally surrendered. But as I did, he seized the opportunity, flipping us over and pinning me beneath him.
