Page 22 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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I stood before the gnarled, old council of our tribe, Evie in tow. Awe and apprehension mingled in her eyes as she faced the intimidating assembly of wise gargoyle patriarchs. Their judgmental gazes raked over her like vultures eyeing a carcass.

“Kuzar Durzomian, you have brought shame upon our clan,” the eldest elder rasped, his voice like grinding rocks. “You have forsaken our sacred traditions and chosen a human as your mate. How can such a feeble creature be worthy of our mighty bloodline?”

I squared my shoulders. “It was a request from Mazarak. I did as he requested to forge a better alliance with the humans.”

“Hmph. The Goliath council didn’t confer with the elders on this.”

“It’s too late. She’s here and I love her.”

“You’ve mated with the human, then?”

Evie’s shoulders quivered, her onyx eyes shimmering with tears. My heart throbbed with conflicting emotions — defiance and protectiveness.

“She is my mate!” I growled, stepping closer to Evie. “I’ll not have her treated with such disrespect!”

The elders exchanged amused glances.

“Your mate, you say?” another elder sneered. “But can she withstand the trials and tribulations of gargoyle life? Can she endure our hunts and battles? Can she perform the sacred mating rituals to pass on our lineage?”

Evie took a step forward, her voice unwavering despite the hostile atmosphere. “I can learn,” she said, her gaze sweeping across the elders. “I am strong. And I will prove myself worthy.”

A ripple of surprise rustled through the elders.

“You think you can adapt to our ways, human?” the eldest elder challenged. “You think you can survive in this harsh, unforgiving world?”

Evie’s spine straightened, her chin lifted. “I have already adapted." Her eyes locked with mine. “I have survived in a world where humans are outcasts, where we are constantly fighting for scraps. Your world is no more unforgiving.”

The elders fell silent, their stony faces inscrutable. Then the eldest elder let out a humorless chuckle.

“Very well, human,” he said. “We shall put your resolve to the test. You will undergo a series of trials. If you can overcome them, we will acknowledge you as Kuzar Durzomian’s mate. But fail, and we will banish you from our clan.”

Evie nodded, her eyes resolute. “I accept your challenge.”

“Take it up with Mazarak. He’s our chieftain and his word rules.” My fists balled as this old gargoyle challenged us.

A surge of pride flooded me with her courage and determination. Evie, my human mate, was no mere flower to be wilted by harsh winds. She possessed an inner strength that I admired and respected.

“Let the trials begin,” the eldest elder commanded.

Evie stepped forward, her pale hand slipping into mine. Together, we faced the unknown challenges ahead, our bond stronger than ever before.

Fury surged through my veins as the elders continued their tirade against Evie. How dare they question her worthiness? How dare they reduce her to nothing more than a breeding machine?

“Enough!” My voice echoed through the chamber. “Evie is my mate. She is worthy of respect and acceptance, regardless of her human blood.”

The elders fell silent, their stony faces etched with surprise. They never seen me display such defiance before.

“But Kuzar,” the eldest elder began, his voice laced with caution, “she is human. Can she truly bear our children? Can she produce offspring strong enough to carry on our lineage?”

My heart skipped a beat. I did not consider the prospect of having children with Evie. The thought never crossed my mind. But now that the elders raised the issue, a flicker of desire arose in me. Evie was beautiful, intelligent, and brave. She possessed admirable qualities. And the thought of raising a family with her filled me with a strange sense of longing.

The elders’ concerns were not unfounded. Human-gargoyle offspring were rare, and often sickly. Would Evie be able to carry a child to term? Would our child be strong enough to survive in this harsh world?

I hesitated, my mind torn between desire and doubt.

“Kuzar.” Evie slipped her hand into mine. “I understand your concerns. But I want you to know that I will do whatever we need. I want to have a family with you.”

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