Page 29 of Billionaire Blaze

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“What about the other options you showed her, photos of examples, and other things like that?” Matt asked. “You showed her what was in your head in a different way, if what you told us is correct.”

I nodded. That was exactly what I had done, and I could see where he was going with this, but I was still worried. Something about the fear just wasn’t rational.

As the others tried to convince me to do it, take the job, and go and enjoy Chicago and being in a new place for work, all my resistance melted away. They had a point. I hadn’t been travelingmuch, and going to see Juno had worked out well enough. Would it be so bad to go back?

By the end of the evening, my friends had made sure I’d emailed Sarai and let her know that I was more than willing to take the job and was wrapping everything up. Emily and Helen even volunteered to help me get the last of the projects I had in the UK done and dusted, making sure I could be done when I said I would so I could go to the US.

I couldn’t refuse after that, and on some level, I didn’t want to. Lukas was amazing, and I wanted to see him again. I wanted to see how he would feel about us if he knew I was willing to go to him and work in his country, too. To be flexible where he couldn’t be.

If that wasn’t enough to let a guy know I wanted to be with him, I didn’t know what was.



Walking toward the office was calming. The traffic wasn’t great—one of the reasons I was walking—but the atmosphere was everything I had missed.

I’d missed saying hello to the usual people I went past. The guy on the corner with his stand selling newspapers and candy bars. The kids on their way to get school buses who waved and asked me if I’d play basketball with them again after school. Sometimes I did, but only when I went home early and happened to pass the court. It happened often enough they kept asking.

I loved the smell of my favorite bakery, and there was always a coffee and brownie waiting for me if I wanted it. Today, I just got the coffee. The brownie was tempting, but I didn’t mention having another good one recently. I wasn’t going to upset people I considered friends.

Then, there was the short walk to the office building itself. It was one of the most beautiful buildings in a city of beautiful buildings. At least, if you liked this sort of architecture. And I did. It was my work.

Admittedly, I liked variety. There was nothing fun in doing yet another office project, but I had enough of a business that I was able to bring on others and move the projects around. I got to work on anything I wanted and delegate enough of the rest that life was interesting and fun, and no one stopped me from doing what I wanted. For the most part.

The reception area was already busy, staff moving back and forth into different parts of the building. Security knew me well enough I walked right in and was soon getting into the elevator at the end of the corridor. Before the doors shut, Lucy hurried in behind me.

“I hoped to catch you. I’ve totally had it with this project,” she declared. I held my hand up immediately.

“They’re a pain in the ass, and they don’t like that you’re female. I know. But it’s slowly working. I’ll step back in if I need to, but I think it will do more for your gender if they see everything working with you handling it. I believe in you. You’ve got my full support to make them believe in you too.”

Lucy closed her mouth over everything else she was going to say and paused to think about it some more.

“You think they’ll let this go ahead?”

“What choice do they have? I’m telling them you’ve got this and keep handing it back to you. They’ve sunk too much money in at this point. They have to see it through.”

My words seemed to have the impact I hoped on Lucy. She lifted her head and straightened the papers and documents she was holding before tucking them under her arm.

“I’ll let you know if we need you anymore, but you’re right. I’ve got this, and they’ll just have to suck it up and move on.”

I smiled and gave her a quick nod. The doors were already opening on her floor, and she was soon off. I had the elevator to myself up to the top floor.

Although I wasn’t much for lording it over everyone, no one in the company had let me have an office anywhere else. And I wouldn’t lie and say the view wasn’t worth it. My office had one of the best views in the city, and I started my work day the same way, walking over to the windows and getting a good look.

The city seemed smaller from up here, people more like ants scurrying below. And everything was put more into perspective. I might be good at what I did, but I was one of many people in this city alone. It kept me humble even as it gave me a vantage point few others enjoyed.

No one in this city was any less than me. Many of them worked even harder than I did. And all of them deserved to be healthy and happy.

I was still looking out over the city and drinking my coffee when the phone rang. I frowned, knowing that I didn’t usually take calls this early. I didn’t like to be forced to begin work before I was ready. Before I had the time to mentally process and figure out what I needed to do most.

Still, I went over to my desk and took it.

“Lukas!” Sarai’s enthusiastic voice sounded so loud, I could have sworn she was in the room with me.

“This is early. Did you need me for something?” I asked, not sure how she had gotten this number.

“I want your definite answer. Everything else is ready. Are you in on this project of mine? We want to start as soon as we can.”
