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The promise I make, to share those pieces of myself and what they mean, is almost scary. As much as I want to do this, to get to know him and let him do the same with me, I'm not sure I have the courage. But maybe, if I share that fear with him, I'll find a way to forge through it.

As if reading my mind, he leans forward, both his hands closing around mine. "Okay, Harper. It's a deal. A deal that I plan on holding you to," he says. Then he grabs his mug and raises it to me, and I do the same with mine. The porcelain clinks together as our faces light up, our smiles matching.

"To finding ourselves and each other," I declare.

Chapter eighteen


My parents never anticipated this. As we step into the resort’s lobby, their expressions morph into sheer astonishment. The lobby is full of their closest friends and dedicated staff. A collective cheer heralds the closure of a significant chapter. I told them I was taking them to dinner somewhere fancy to ensure they dressed appropriately. They had no idea I'd planned a surprise retirement party for them at their own resort.

Balloons in gold and silver line the center pathway into the lobby, which is decorated tastefully with white lilies and light cream draperies, courtesy of Harper's flawless planning. A "Congratulations" banner spans the width of the room, and a large projection screen is alive with memories of my parents throughout the years.

The resort staff, dressed impeccably for the occasion, move among the guests, ensuring glasses remain full and appetizers circulate freely. In the corner is a live jazz band, playing a variety of upbeat tunes.

Some of the guests are taking full advantage, utilizing the open section of the lobby as a dance floor. Others are leaning on the high bar tables, admiring the menu of signature cocktails created especially for the event.

I guide my parents through the crowd, their eyes wide with surprise and gratitude.

"Dad, Mom, welcome to your well-deserved celebration," I announce, a wide grin on my face.

Dad shakes his head in disbelief. "Deacon, you sly devil. We had no idea."

Mom's hand clutches my father's arm, and she looks up at him, the excitement sparkling in her eyes. "Did you know about this?" she asks. He responds with a firm shake of his head. "I couldn't have guessed in a hundred years. This is the best surprise. Thank you, sweetie," Mom murmurs, squeezing my shoulder with her delicate hand.

Harper steps into view as she descends the grand staircase, dressed in a slim gown of the purest of creams and a shimmering gold belt nipped at her slender waist. Her hair cascades in brown ringlets down her back.

She glides across the polished floor, and that infectious smile of hers makes me beam in return. I have to force myself to rein it in. I love my parents, but right now I want nothing more than to escape this party and be alone with her, to run my fingers through her hair, to claim those lips. But unfortunately, that will have to wait.

We've been seeing each other in secret for several weeks now, and we're not ready to let people into the little bubble we've built around ourselves. So, I hide my grin behind my glass.

My fingers itch to reach for hers when she steps up to my side, but I dig my palms into my pockets. "Your plans were a masterpiece, as always. This will be a wonderful evening," I comment casually. Harper smiles proudly at the success.

She turns her attention to my parents. "You both look stunning." She stands in front of them, her hands held daintily before her. My father takes one of her hands and bends, pressing a kiss to the top if it, making her giggle.

"And you are beyond the most marvelous organizer I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Thank you so much for making this so spectacular," he says.

Harper beams under my parents' approval. She gives Mom a hug, her sweet vanilla-almond perfume floating through the air. I struggle against the temptation to close our distance and bury my face in her neck, craving the intoxicating sweetness of her scent.

This is going to be a long night.

"I can't take all the credit. Deacon here was very involved with the planning," Harper admits.

I'm moved that she credits me with her vision. "You sell yourself short, young lady," I chuckle. I steal a glance toward her, wishing for just a moment that I could plant a kiss on her soft lips. Instead, I rest my hand covertly on her back, my thumb stroking slowly, needing even the slightest contact. "Come, you must take a tour of your masterpiece. To the terrace. Let's go!" I insist, shuffling my parents toward the ballroom doors.

Harper's beautiful arrangements are on full display when we push through the French doors. The terrace is littered with strings of white fairy lights. She used golden lanterns to set the mood and kept the atmosphere refined and subtle. The decorations are just enough to accentuate the carefully appointed table settings.

Candlelit tables dot the entire length of the balcony, and from our elevated position, we can observe all the hard work put in by our staff. The interior of the room reflects opulence, and the elegance extends to the tableware, a delicate ivory finish with a floral motif, setting the scene for the most delicious fare. A four-course meal was planned for the guests, with culinary art in every bite.

We find our seats easily. Harper is sitting across from me, close enough to touch her ankle with mine and drive me crazy. Though I try not to make it too obvious, my hunger has little to do with food.

The band inside begins their second set, the rhythmic tones flowing from the ballroom like a distant dream. Guests filter in to join us and turn their attention to the delicacies their palates are about to experience. The first dish, a creamy cucumber and dill soup with melba toast, begins the feast, followed by lemon asparagus parmesan risotto, an herb-crusted cod drizzled in basil oil, and dolcelatte berry cheesecake for dessert.

Throughout the evening, it's agony having to resist stealing touches of Harper's hands. Instead, I devour her with my eyes. All I can think about is how much I want to reveal to the world that I'm enamored with this woman, but she's adamant that we take our time.

She says she wants to be sure that we don't draw anyone into the line of fire if this doesn't work out. Her pragmatic side leads her to consider practical things that I usually take into account as well, but she makes me want to be so reckless.

During dinner and dessert, my parents and Harper talk about work and play. I couldn't be more grateful to her for making my parents feel so happy and young. They are enjoying themselves in great company, beautiful surroundings, and exquisite food, and when my mother turns to me and says something, I have to ask her to repeat herself because I'm so distracted.
